Chapter 18

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The next day

I woke up with a start and my forehead collided with a very worried katara in snowing environment

"Uh what happened? I remember going into the avatar state and busting the temple and remaking it before fainting. How long was I out?.

"Well we left before they could process what happened. We didn't know if they would attack us or not. It's been a day since you fainted and I was getting worried, sokka is gathering a few herbs and some animals to munch on. What happened aang? How did you do that? What happened to your voice and bending"

"That Katara is the avatar state. Whenever I feel massive emotional turmoil or anger, I tap into the power of every single avatar before me. The voices are a result of there being 999 avatars before me with me being the 1,000st avatar." I think korra was supposed to be the 1000st avatar but since aang died and I was reincarnated as the avatar, I am the 1,000st avatar. Well fuck korra.

Anyways. Katara's reaction was surprise and concern. Sokka would probably be a bit worried but nothing much.

"We are about to reach the water tribe tommorow. Katara is Aang awak-" That was sokka, I guess he is back from foraging.

"I am awake. Let's leave. My bending progress is starting to stagnate even with the scroll"

That was true my chi pool was still growing for both air and water bending. My chi had also been getting much denser through the methods I had made. I have been bending almost everything with water. I had tried to bend flowers and was successful but I could bend any trees or even affect them at all. My blood bending was pretty good but I don't practice it enough. I was focused more on different styles of bending.

My airbending was going pretty well and I was slowly making my vaccum even more deadly. My normal vaccum has less pressure than the air surrounding but not by much but now it was a major difference and I could uproot grass with my vacuum. Side note my hair had grown enough to cover the tattoos, they were at the level of aang when he went to the fire nation school.

Other than that my bending was progressing at a normal rate but I needed more. So we needed to arrive at the northern water tribe as quick as we can. Thankfully we were only a day of travel from the tribe.

"Come on appa, this will be our last stop for a week, you can do whatever you want in these days of freedom."

"Aappp" it sounded happy to get a break from just flying everywhere.

"Come on let's go."

It took a day of flying but appa was flying at a faster than normal speed so we reached before nightfall. Bumi has already informed the tribe about our situation and they were more than happy to help.

We landed near the entrance and got off from the flying bison.

We were very warmly welcomed by the head chief.

"Nice to meet you avatar. I welcome you to our tribe."

"Thanks but call me aang. Thank you for allowing us to be here. These are my accomplices. Sokka is a non bender but he is a good navigator and hand to hand specialist. Katara is a water bender and she has the gift of healing and a calm head."

By now we were walking through there streets with yue following us. We had nearly reached the head chief's home.

"Nice to meet you all as well. This is princess yue, she is my daughter. This is instructor paku, he shall be teaching you water bending."

"Uhh, what about me?" Katara said as she was confused about how he will not be teaching her.

"Women are not taught water bending beyond healing in our tribe."

"What! What do you mean that they are not taught water bending, why?" She was rightfully Angry

"It is tradition." Pakki the stone faced monster.

"Really is there no other reason than tradition?"

"Women are not as good at bending men, they are more sutured as healing"

I guess it is time I stepped in. You know befor ekatara blows up

"That is false, pakku, you do remember why she left you?" His face shifted a bit but it reverted back to normal before I could determine what emotion it had been.

"You know nothing about that. What does that have to do with this?"

"Simple, if katara here can beat one of your apprentices, then you have to train her. Good enough challenge? Also would you mind a spar against me?"

"I am not sur-" the chief tried to interfere but pakku cut him off

"I accept, there is no way any one of my apprentices will lose to her. Yes, I spar with all my apprentices to gauge their strength and proficiency."

"Katara, I have full confidence in you don't worry. Okay." I gave her a head pat as a sign of confidence.

It took a while for the details to be settled but katara would be fighting against one of pakku's weaker apprentices and I would be using only water bending against pakku.

After it was settled, princess yue walked up to me and asked

"Do you really think that she can do it?"

"Sure. Why not? Is there something stopping her?"

"Well she is a girl and we aren't respected or even encouraged"

"I will tell you one thing. The first person to believe in you should be yourselves. I once depended on others for validation and for faith but I was stabbed in the back. Some times it is better to be alone but be happy. So what if no one respects you? At the very least respect yourself and ask yourself, what is it you want to do? And why?"

"Well,.. I hope I can trust you. I wanna leave the tribe and do whatever I want."

"That is not your goal, that is what you settled on as possible option. What is your goal?"

"Well, I wanna lead our tribe but-"

"Forget the but for a moment and think about it. Why. Do you love the people?, do you love the place? Or do you wanna do it cause you have no other choice? Is it what you want to do, or is it something princess yue wants to do?"

"This place is my home but these people aren't my own. It really is my ambition to lead my tribe. I don't know why I am telling all of this."

"Don't worry, it happens with me around. Why not create your own tribe? The southern tribe is basically leaderless and has a good starting point as only the children and the women are alive, so no discrimination."

"Well.. I don't know but how will I leave. My dad doesn't care about what I want but he has guards stationed around me at all times and I haven't left the tribe ever."

"Well, Don't tell anyone but I can help you escape, but you will have to either come with us, which is extremely dangerous or you will be on your own once you leave the tribe. But before you come with us, you need permission from sokka and katara."

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