Chapter 13

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3 days later

Today we are stopping by an town under the control of the fire nation. On our way here I saw a prison with a bunch of people here. This is the place where haru gets imprisoned, I guess I should help them with the escape. I snuck around a teeny bit and found a map of the basic layout of the prison. We promised to regroup at the end of the day,

"Hey sokka"

"Yeah, what happened"

"Wanna break a bunch of benders out a fire nation prison?"

"You know what? I ja already used to this and I don't even know how."

"You coming or not? Katara is busy looking around town. This will be a boys day out. Prison break style."

"You know what? Fuck it. Let's go break a bunch of prisoners out."

"Good boy. I nicked a map of the place from a guard while you were having your daily fight with katara."

"You what! Sigh, will you ever do something normal? Whatever show me the scroll." Oh sokka ever the comedian.

" This is an ideal escape route. But if we go from here it will alert the guards before we can escape, and we might have to leave some people out," I can now see why you are the planner in canon. Good planning skills.

"If we just knock out all of the guards and then make a run for it, do you think we will be stopped" but there is one thing that is currently holding you back. Your lack of outside the box thinking. In canon you gained this skill naturally be put here I need to teach it to you.

"Huh That is actually a good idea but we need to know exactly where all the soldiers are at one time."See I can see you learning from me slowly.

"So we sneak into the prison, inform the prisoners, steal a timetable and make out escape before knocking them out?"

"Yes. Aang you are a weird type of genius. Let's go."

We walked towards the prison on foot to avoid noise and detection.

When we reached the imposing gates of such a large prison.

"Sokka, you in from the prisoners, if things go south mention me. I will nick the timetable. Good"


And like that we split up. I walked around the guards, it was quite easy as they weren't vigilant and I could bend air pretty well. The main challenge was locating the timetable itself.

I tried listening in to the soldier but.

"She is so hot, she even waved to me"Guard 1

"No she waved to me you idiots." Guard 2

"She is our superior, if we look at her badly, we might get fired." Guard 3. You haven't disappointed me

"But she clearly waved to me." Guard 3 you have disappointed me.

Thus were all talking about the new extremely hot superior they had received. Sheesh I mean I get it but you don't have to talk only about this chick.

So after that failed I tried to find a map, which I did. This one was more detailed and had actually showed the room of the superiors. The schedule should be in that room.

I was able to easily find the room but I found no-one inside the room. I rummaged through the entire room before finding the schedule. I grabbed it and bolted out of the room after making sure everything was where it was when I entered.

I was able to find sokka standing near the spot we designated to meet after the first phase of the plan. I snuck up on him and tapped his shoulder

"Hey"."aaahahaahhhh? Aang!" Always gets me.

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