Chapter 22

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5 hours later

The plan has gone near flawlessly with sokka joining Is and the best part was that we found sokka and kat's father along with bato and it was a beautiful family reunion after nearly 4 years but I stood to the side and let them have the moment. From that particular ship we gained nearly triple the willing warriors over the average and we were able to accelerate the project thanks to the extra help.

One thing I noticed is that most of the people who were captured were rebel groups or rebels

The sun is about to set and we have around 45 minutes until nightfall. All the decoys have been placed and the warriors have organized and the ships have been ransacked for food, war plans and armor. We have nearly 35 soldiers who are coming with us so no surprise ambush but a surprise attack.

Kat will take on any fire benders along with sokka and the water tribe warriors under bato cause they have a lot of experience regarding this sector. I will personally take on azula while the rest of the rebels will take on cannon fodder. We wait until just before the guard shift changes to attack while sending a few troops in to silently deal with all the people they can to remove some pressure of larger numbers.

The mother ship has at least 100 soldiers with 10 being elite firebenders along with 1 princess. That isn't even counting the fact that the crew of the ship may also know self defense but we are sending the bato and his group in early to take out the chumps and free the prisoners from the mothership without alerting the fire nation soldiers.

We attack with our near 25 strong fleet the moment they are at their weakest or if the plan goes awry and they discover the others before they have a chance to free the prisoners. Bato doesn't have any benders under him but the rebels who are coming with us have 3 benders excluding kat.

Currently, me, kat, sokka and the 25 rebels are waiting for the signal to be given by me. I have my eyes set on azula who is chilling on the deck alone, thank god the others aren't here.

My observations paid off when I saw a man covered in heavy elite armor walk towards the princess and whisper something to her. The next moment that elite soldier is on the ground with a hole in his armor and a sizzling chest within the range of an smiling azula. She was about to move into the deck but I gave the signal to our troops and leaped.

I used my glider to get me there while the rebels created ice bridges. Of course I arrived within a moment but they took longer. I started by launching a shit ton of air blades onto azula before launching a vacuum sphere onto her.

She expertly dodged all the air blades before she tried to talk to me. She also launched a fireball onto the vacuum sphere thinking that it was an air ball. Normally an air ball and a fireball would neutralize each other. Sadly that wasn't an airball

"Who are yo-"

Keyword 'tried'. She didn't get to finish cause the vacuum sphere nearly hit her in the face and created a small crater near her feet. By the time she recovered, the rebels had already made it. In the mean time I took to obliterating the elite fire nation soldiers while they were still in shock an I managed to successfully take 4 down before azula finished giving her orders,

"Destroy them. Burn their bodies. Kai, call the soldiers from below the deck."

"Yes ma'am"

It was at that moment, a man came from stairs leading to the under deck. He shouted the statement hind caused a lot of hopes to crash and burn

"The prisoners have been freed and all the crew and soldiers have been incapacitated" his voice was urgent and out of breath.

This fear was further amplified when the 4 water benders connected the other ships and called in all the decoys to acts as an intimidation. This time my voice was the one who cut thorough. I used voice amplification along with my chi to intimidate them.

"You are surrounded on all side( lie, only surrounded from the back) by a force nearly 10X yours(lie, we are only twice their power) We are elite soldiers(lie again, just a bunch of starved rebels and prisoners) and can take you on easily(again lie, we would suffer casualties). Surrender or die."

"We surrender" a voice of the nearly 30 from the group of 40 came while the rest.

"We will fight to the death then" Azula was the leader of this voice along with a few loyal guards who weren't even benders.

"You don't want to do this but I don't mind smashing your face in"

Before we could advance., Azula launched a massive fireball onto the ground and escaped on her own, leaving the loyal soldiers alone in element territory.

"Look at your leader escaping while leaving her own loyal soldiers behind, this is the true face of the fire nation. Bato, sheer the ship to the tribe. Kat change the flags and tie the loyal and betrayed to the front of the ship as a sign of us being victorious. Rebels are on watch, shift every hour and take a good nap."

" Bato, when do we reach the tribe?" He was a bit out off from being ordered around by a 12 hear old but he adapted to the situation and he has seen my power and the avatar is practically worshiped so no problems

"Tomorrow late morning or early evening." his voice was even and experienced. Good, we can reach by tomorrow.

"Sokka have you checked how much food we have." Sokka wasn't used to my commanding officer mode but he reacted admirably.

"It is enough to last all of us for 2 days." That is enough food so no hunting required.

"Good. Take to sail, I am taking survey of all our earnings, plans, armor and anything else to categorize it. We are secure for now but remember that we still aren't at home base. We need to reach the tribe before we celebrate. I don't want any parties or I will leave you here in the freezing cold during night. Is that clear?"

"Yes" a weak response at best. I infused chi onto my voice and caused a few winds to start moving before I asked again in the Same volume.

"Is that clear?"

"YES SIR!" Their voice was much more even and louder which was a good thing.


No only one worry remains. What the hell do I do with princess yue? She is still under the deck and she still wants to run away. I guess she can stay at the tribe until we escape along with her, though her escape will definitely make the chief tighten her security, it is no match for team avatar, more specifically me.


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