Chapter 27

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I choose To stay here and become a warrior our family would be proud off with dad by my side. Katara, I know you won't agree but you can also come with me and stay with dad. It is our family after all."

Kat looked conflicted and the thought of family was extremely tempting to her. Family was always what drove katara to do what she would so and now she was having a chance to reunite and live with her live family. She took a large breath and looked towards aang for some reason.

"Aang, I already made my mind but I want your opinion."

"I never knew my parents"

kat's eyes widened before she looked almost dejected.

"But my family were the monks. Blood isn't all that makes a family, choose your own path. I won't fault you for wanting to reunite your broken family."

"I choose my family. But. My family is who is closest to me and not those who don't have the courage to face the world and all its evils. I will travel with you aang and make friends and maybe even some family."

I have her a pat on the head as a thanks for staying with me here.

"Thanks Kat, I won't lie, I would be extremely hampered if you left plus you are a good companion who I can trust and count o-"

"Katara why? Our father is here, the people are accepting of us and some of them even have bedroom eyes for me and some for you as well. This is paradise, I have good intentions."

I spoke out after noting that kat wasn't answering.

"The road to hell is often paved by good intentions. I won't condemn you for your choice but there are a plethora of reasons that kat wouldn't stay here but I won't tell you."


"Because it isn't my place to talk about others difficulties when they don't affect me. The amount of reasons she has to lash out at you are hers and hers alone."

Sokk's hands clenched but he knowing that what I said was true and that she would be discriminated here, he walked away.

I was surprised when kat looked at me with tear-filled puppy eyes before jumping on me with a massive hug.

I knew that this is sentimental and an important moment in her life so I didn't crack any jokes and simply hugged her back.

"Did you mean it??" Her voice was cracking a bit but her eyes were firmly on me.

"Of course I did. You have a massive plethora of reasons for staying here but they are your problems and I have no place butting in your business unless it negatively affects you."



"Tell me about your life before the incident."

"But you have to answer my question first"

She looked nervous because she thought that I would ask her a personal question.

"How did you destroy cabbages? You and sokka were with me for the entire trip. The only time I left you guys was to get supplies and I left for literally 5 minutes."

"Well.. Sokka May have tried to beat up a bird because it pooped on its head. The bird flew over the cabbage vender but instead of slowing down or jumping, sokka tried to slide under the cart. The keyword was tried, he hit the brake when sliding and that caused the cart to slide down the hill and into a another cabbage cart."


"You promised that you would tell me about your life, so tell me."

"Well my favorite monk was Gyatsu and my friend Bumi. Did I ever tell you how I met him?"


"Well I was par king someone but Bumi was also pranking the same person and we had a prank wars....."

We stayed there for a few hours just talking and looking at the near full moon.

The full moon would be present on the day that we are attacked by Azula and company.

Just as we were about to leave to bed, kat asked me

"Can I sleep next to you. It's just that sometimes I have nightmares but I never had any when I slept next to you."

"Why not. You are welcome."

"Hey aang, did you notice her?"

"Yep. You did as well. Good job, you can do the honors."

"You can come out Yue."

Just as kat said that's she opened the door to reveal a Yue with her ear to the door listening like her life depended on it.

"Huh, hello?" Man, yue that was bad even for you.

"Why were you listening! We were having a moment!!" Kat seemed more bothered about the fact that yue had found out rather than the fact that someone heard all of the drama.

"Wait wair, I can explain. I was just worried about you guys so I ditched the escort and came here but you were having this argue,ent with sokka and I couldn't turn myself away from the drama."

"Your father must be worried about you." Kat's main worry wasn't that she was heard but the fact that yue might be punished. Such a good girl.

"Don't worry. My escort was female and she sympathized with me and as long as I get back into bed by tomorrow morning, I am in the clear. But I am sorry and I dint mean to but into your moment and ruin it.

"Don't worry about it, everyone makes mistakes. Just don't do it again."

"Wow my little kat's matured so much in 2 months. Just a week ago I would have had a cat fight in my hands but now you are all grown. I am starting to miss my little baby kat who would get mad over everything and my little yue who would get offended that kat tried to interfere in her matters.

"Hey you are making it out as I was an trigger happy monster/young brat."

We stayed up till late night just talking about stuff until we fell asleep in a peaceful manner.

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