Chapter 29

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The moon spirit resides within the palaces bowls under the full moon.

Holy shit, the moon spirit's location. I have so much use for this. I could learn water bending from the moon spirit!!! Granted I could have searched the entire palace, it would take to long and the tribe might be alerted. I have the rest of today free because they aren't including me in their preparations for war. I placed the paper into one of the fires and watched it turn to ashes before my very eyes.

I got to the guest igloo and sat down in a meditative trance in a corner where I had set traps just incase. After a taking a few breaths, I ascended into my spiritual form. I slowly separated from my body. It was a surreal feeling, just floating, weightless, different yet the same. My spiritual body opened its eyes and flew straight towards the place that Yue has said the spirit would reside.

I slowly landed onto the floor as I saw the door just before my goal. I walked straight through the door and appeared on the other side only to see a beautiful pond with vegetation in the right places. It made for a surreal peaceful place that all nobles would kill to have. I walked towards the pond and saw 2 koi fishes just swimming with each other.

Their were 2 fishes, one pure black another pure white with small markings. They swam in an circle, like trying to catch each other's tails.

The weird thing was that there were no ripples, no displacement in the water. They were just their almost like an illusion but I could see that it wasn't, they gave off a feeling of serenity and peace that no illusion could hope to exude and the fact that they're were almost a beacon in a night sky for someone who could sense spiritual power.

I sat down by the river in meditative stance while looking at these 2 fishes. Just observing how each and every scale deflected water properly, how their entire body was just a flowing current that had become so much a part of water, that the pond itself didn't react to their movements.

They had replicated water to the point that they were a part of water and I wanted to learn how they did it so I could incorporate it into my style. I looked at their almost hypnotic swimming. I closed my eyes and replicated all their movements in my mind, how each and every part moved and how it would translate to the human body.

How each move would translate to perfect movements. And I just sat there for 14 hours just looking at the fish and contemplating how they existed in peace with each other with perfect harmony. By the time I had come out of my trance, I could see the first rays of dawn breaking into the world, quite literally. Since this is the North Pole's highest point and the north poll is quite literally the top of the world.

I looked back to the koi fish one last time before flying back to my body in my igloo. I fell back into my body and opened my eyes. The first thing I did was to check my traps but none had went off. I felt a tiny bit of soreness but that was to be expected since a few of my muscles were tensed. The next thing I did was replicate the movement I had made in my mind in the entirety of last night.

The move caused some serious soreness and pushed my flexibility to its limit after practicing but I could feel my moves to be more fluid and closer and closer to my goal. Since I had the entire day free, I practiced water bending with this technique for the entire day. My bending was a lot more powerful and precise but it tired out my body a lot easier and it was harder on my chi pool.

By the time everyone woke up at 10 and turned into functioning adults, I was barely able to move without feeling soreness but I still had a smile on my face. It was a pretty nice feeling to improve and it fed my appreciation for having appa to understand air bending from.

I didn't just replicate a bunch of fish for all night, I saw the importance between each of its moves. I scrutinized my style of bending with a new perspective to try and better it and from my observations, my idea worked but the results were minuscule. But these minuscule improvements will add up after a few months.

I tried applying my new perspective to airbending but that didn't work out at all. I also practiced my basics forms for a stronger foundation.

Hello author sama here. Sorry for the .. Week? 8 days hiatus. I burned my self out because I was writing 3 series at the same time and uploading almost daily. New upload schedule is one upload every 3 days for each fic. So one day I will upload this fic followed by Ben 10 tomorrow followed by pokemon day after tomorrow.

Thanks for all the support and crtiscm.

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