Chapter 4

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Marinette woke up at 6. She wasn't late anymore for things because her parents would beat her and scar her more than she was already. She went to the bathroom and saw that a wound from yesterday was bleeding. Ugh! She didn't think Sabine and Tom would act like that. All because of the liar Lila. Her life was suffering. She didn't smile anymore and she didn't laugh anymore. Everyday the girl was told she deserved this and was a horrible person. She was told to die because no one like her or wanted her, but she couldn't take her life. No one would stop Hawkmoth. Especially since Chat stopped showing up to battles.

The hot water hit her skin stinging her whole body. Mari ignored the blood dripping down as it mixed with the clear water. This was the only time she felt okay. 10 minutes later she got out and went to put on an outfit. 

Her style had changed dramatically. Marinette had gone from wearing light colorful clothes to dark colored clothes. Tooday she had gone with this outfit. 


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Tikki flew into her purse. She walked out the back door to avoid her "parents"

"Ha look it's Maritrash. I can't believe she had the nerve to text you those mean thing yesterday. I'll go and show her a little something." Alya smirked walking up to her and kicked her right in the stomach. Marinette however didn't flinch. It wasn't as bad at what Sabine and Tom did so she was used to it. "Why didn't you flinch or anything?" Alya's eyebrows furrowed, frustrated. "Because it didn't hurt." Marinette narrowed her eyes at her ex-bestfriend. 

The bluenette walked into the classroom to take a seat at the back of the classroom. "Okay class! The principal submitted an application for a visit to America for a month! Our class won and we will be going to Gotham! Sponsored by Mr. Wayne!" Miss Bustier announced.

Marinette paled. Gotham. Her hometown. Where there were bad memories. The only good thing is that Jason wasn't there. She saw he was dead on the news. It made her sad, but she was reminded how he just left her. Now at least they won't ever meet again. The rest of the day blurred by. There were less insults directed at her because everyone was excited of the trip. Lila was also claiming to date Damian Wayne. Yesh. Bet she never even stepped foot in America. Let alone Gotham.

Marinette went home that day to be met with the person she doesn't think of as a mother anymore. "Marinette. I didn't see you this morning." Sabine took out a pocket knife and dug it into her thigh. The poor girl bit the inside of her mouth to muffle a scream before Tom called for his wife and told her a customer needed assistance. Sabine rolled her eyes and sent a glare to the bleeding bluenette and left slamming the door.

||That's it for chapter 4! Thanks again for reading! ilysm! Bai have the best day ever!||


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