Chapter 8

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||HAI GUYS! Here is finally part 8! Thank you all for like 1.2k reads! That's lit the sweetest thing!  Okay onto da chap!||

"Jay?" Her breath hitched as she looked the man over. He definitely had been working out. She could tell by his build, it was more muscular and a growth spurt had hit him at one point in his life. Maybe more than once? is that possible? 

 Jason didn't expect to see Marinette there. He thought she died. He thought he could never see her face again. He thought he would never get to hear her voice or experience her warm hugs again. Jason had expected for her to run into his arms, after so long of not seeing him and he wanted her hugs again. But what she really did surprised him. 


It echoed throughout the cafeteria and everyone turned to look at them. Marinette was taking shaky uneven breaths. If Jason wasn't so stunned he would have complimented her strength because that was a good slap. 

Dick saw everyone's face. People who worked here knew Jason. Not on a personal level, more like on a 'he is a Wayne' level. They just witnessed a little french girl come and slap a Wayne. The class however had no idea who that was. Dick ushered those two into a private room where he feel they could have a private conversation. He was going to stay in the room with them because he was curious and because he wasn't about to let his brother attack Marinette. But mostly because he was curious. 

"Pixie? What was that for?" Jason rubbed his cheek after knowing they were in a private room, or as private as it could be with Dick. "What was that for? WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Marinette seethed. "You left to become a Wayne and NEVER looked back. How do you think I felt when I saw you on TV with your new family? I've been wanting to take my own life! But I can't because I'm La-BECAUSE IT'S LABOR DAY!" She exclaimed, noting how she almost exposed her secret identity. "Labor Day? What does that have to do with anything?" "Besides the point! What do you have to say for yourself huh?" 

"Nettie I'm really sorry! That wasn't my plan okay? I was going to come back for you! I swear!" He held up his hands. {✋😣🤚} (Like that lol!) Mari sat on her hip and scoffed. "When? Huh? Over my dead body? Probably to busy with all your new "rich" friends to care." She raised an eyebrow. "I'm really sorry Nettie!" "It's Marinette to you." She walked out after slamming the door. Mari didn't really know the way around this place but it was better to not be in a traitor's presence even if her whole class surrounded her every day. 

"What did you do to mess up Jay? How do you know Mari?" "You know her?" "Met her when her class ditched her at the airport. Also you didn't answer my question." "It was when I was on the streets. She is like a little sister to me. After I was taken in by Bruce I was going to visit her as Robin and maybe even convince Bruce to take her in but after a few weeks when I went back she wasn't there. I thought she was been dead." "Maybe she didn't die from the kidnapping." "I messed up." Jason grumbled and buried his head in his hands. 

Marinette was going to go back to the cafeteria but found the bathroom instead and rushed inside. "Marinette what happened in there?" Tikki asked with lots of worry in her eye. "Before I came to Paris I was a street kid here in Gotham. Jason was like a brother to me. Not my real one but we were family in everything but blood. One say he said he would be right back and a couple days later I saw him on TV introduced as the new Wayne member. I got kidnapped a few weeks after. Now here I am." "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Marinette." Tikki hugged her cheek. 

"Thank you. I thought he was dead. I saw the news. I hope he doesn't try to talk to me again. I've always wanted to tell him what he did to me so maybe this was a good thing that happened." 

Tikki loves Marinette. She was such an amazing Ladybug and such a great person! Everything went bad for her and Tikki had witnessed it all. Mari always looked on the bright side even now! She had a feeling this trip was going to be interesting. 

||And that's the chapter people! Okay so umm yeah! Thank you all again sweet dumplings!||


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