Chapter 10

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||Hai guys! I'm sorry I haven't been posting on this story for a while! It's like long overdue for an update! Anyways! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!||

He sat there in the still silence. Even though noise was buzzing around him. His brain had just comprehended that beautiful girl left! She left! Not on purpose...he hoped. 






His hand banged the table. "I forgot!" He mumbled. The chances of seeing her again were slim to none! 


why does he want her number again? He doesn't feel like this for anyone, but this girl was different. It's like anything that came out of her mouth was captivating. She definitely had him under some sort of spell. Maybe he had himself under a spell. "Ugh! stupid feeling and thoughts." He grunted, then left the cafe, taking Titus with him. He stepped outside. 

Getting used to the spring air again. Then sighed. Hoping all those "feelings" would go away and drift off to someone else who enjoyed it. Better yet? Just freaking disappear, so it would NEVER be able to find it's way back to him. Ever. Again. 

The barking dragged him out of his mind, returning to reality. "Your right boy, let's go." Damian returned his face to a stoic expression. 

~With our blueberry child~

Scurrying her way back to the Hotel was a challenge. 

"What do you mean Gotham St? That used to be 3 blocks down!" She buried her hands in her head. Jason taught her that. If she was frustrated just do that. The thought came to her head and that was enough to make a mental note to STOP that habit. 

Maybe after 10 minutes the hotel was in her sights. "Tikki I did it! And it only took...20 minutes! Not bad! But I'm still late." She pouted at the last thought. 

"Marinette!" An familiar overly sweet voice called. Tikki and her both groaned. 

"We didn't see you at lunch! Were you trying to avoid me?" Lila accused. "No I-" "MARINETTE!" Miss Bustier called. "Where were you! The example does NOT run off and do whatever they want!" She reprimanded.  

Mari didn't feel like arguing or causing a scene. Don't get her wrong! She could. But she won't. "Sorry." She whispered then went to the elevator, leaving no room for extra comments. 

*Time skip*

Night fell in Gotham city. Lights were flickering off one by one. A perfect time for the local heros to make an 1 more.

"Tikki! Everyone's asleep!" "I still don't think this is a good idea Marinette!" "No one will catch me! I just need to do this! Please!" "Okay." 

Marinette turned to Kalkki

"Is it okay with you Kalkki?" "If Tikki says yes, then it's a yes from me." 

"Thank you guys!" She squealed. 

"Tikki! Spots on! Kalkki! Full gallop! Tikki, Kalkki unify!" Marinette exclaimed. A few bright flashes later...Ladymare was in place.

She carefully opened her window and jumped out. Rooftop after rooftop. Feeling the wind in her hair and adrenaline in her veins was the best feeling ever. Leaping ever so gracefully her eyes caught sight of a woman being mugged in an alleyway! 

Ladymare leaped into action. Jumping in front of the woman. She held her arms out, stopping the robbers from attacking. 

"Who are you?" One guy asked. "Are you a new bat?" Another asked. There were 4 men in total. 

"I can assure you. I'm not a bat. The furthest thing actually." "Then who are you?" "Would you believe me of I told you I was a cross between a Ladybug and Horse?" "What?" Ladymare continued ignoring their responses. "Oh is that too complicated for your poor little brains? It's fine. Just call me your worst nightMARE." 

Quickly delivering a kick to the man closest to her. The rest saw what was happening and took action. One removed a knife. It's not something she hasn't seen. Her parents use them on her everyday! All she was was kick it out of his hand into hers, then delivering a punch with the other that was knifeless. It was all done fairly quickly. These guys must be new on the job. 

"Are you okay?" Ladymare asked turning to the woman. "Of course Ladymare." She responded. 

Ladymare? How does she know? Who is this person. "W-What?" Ladymare stuttered out. "I see you have the luck of a Ladybug and the strength of a horse. Wouldn't you agree?" "H-How do you know?" The woman chuckled. "Call me Annie." "R-Right, Annie, how do you know again?" "I'd like to see you at this address tomorrow. Is that okay?" Annie handed her a slip of paper. Like it had been prepared beforehand? "Uh um of course." "Then I guess we'll meet again then Guardian."  Annie walked out of the alleyway. 

Something told Marinette that woman didn't need to be saved. She leaped back onto the rooftops. That fight was nothing! The akumas were much more. Especially since Chat didn't show up anymore. 

Her head filled with thoughts of Paris, until a voice called out. "Who's there?" Ladymare visibly stiffened. "I asked who's there! Don't make me ask a second time or you won't get the chance to answer!" He said again. 

"Don't worry about me." She answered. 

"That's not how it works sweetheart." A guy in a red helmet stepped out of the shadows. "I saw you fight. Are you trained? Who are you? Why are you here?" "Oh so we're play 20 questions now?" He grunted "You won't think about playing after this gun makes a permanent mark." 

"Alright go for it." Ladymare stepped forward. Hands by her side, eyes not showing a hint of fear.

"W-What? You WANT me to shoot you?" He questioned, this hasn't happened before. "Come on! Big boy is scared?" She made a little sad face that provoked him more. "I'm not scared. I can cause some serious damage little girl. I don't have time for dress up." 

"Let's see you try to cause this so called "Damage"" She taunted. 



The trigger was pulled.

||HEY AGAIN GUYS! ISN'T THE ENDING AMAZING? Pat on the back. Anyways, thanks for still reading this story! Honestly I didn't think y'all would still want to read this! I'll try to update more often! I love you guys so much! Also really weird side note...what would the cross of a pug and poodle be? A puddle? Idk anyways...yes this stuff is on my mind. Weird right? OKI WELL BAI!||


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