Chapter 6

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||Hai people! Here is chapter six! Thank you all for over 500 views! ily guys! This is most likely going to be a Daminette because well I mean Jason and Marinette aren't like blood related. So yeah. She isn't even by law his sister. They just considered each other sibling. Well Marinette hates him now so yeah. "Marinette Cheng-Wayne" can't be a Daminette because they are half siblings and that would be messed up. (PICTURES ARE NOT MINES)||

Marinette got off the plane and stretched a bit. 8 hours cramped on a flight isn't the best feeling. That's for sure. Running down to get her luggage, she found out it wasn't there. 10 minutes passed and panic flew through her. The miracle box was inside! What was she going to do. Sure she had Tikki and Kalkki on her, but all the miraculous are dangerous in their own way. Mari ran around the airport until she found them behind some trashcans. "Definitely the work of my classmates." Marinette grumbled. Tikki put her paw on Mari's leg trying to comfort her a bit. 

Walking back to the original luggage pick up her classmates were no where in sight. "Of course." She groaned. Sure Mari grew up here but things freaking change over time. Like more vigilantes and buildings. Pulling out a map on her phone was the best idea so that's what she did. "Umm okay take a right?" Marinette bumped into something or someone. "Oof! I'm so sorry!" Marinette backed up a little bit from someone's chest. 

"It's okay. What are you running around Gotham with a suitcase?" The man asked. "I'm here on a class trip and I guess my teacher didn't do a headcount." Marinette shrugged. "A class trip? Where are you from?" "Paris!" "You don't have an accent?" "Yeah you could say I worked real hard." Mari didn't like liars but she wasn't about to tell a stranger her life when her ex friends didn't even know, but he seemed familiar. Something the girl couldn't quite put her finger on.

"Where are you trying to go?" "Umm somewhere called Wayne Hotel?" "I know where that is! Follow me." Marinette was hesitant. She still remembered the dangers of Gotham of course. "Are you coming?" "Y-Yeah." She followed remembering she had Tikki if necessary. They fell in pace with each other's steps. "Dick." he stated out of the blue. Marinette fiddled with her fingers. "I'm sorry." "Wait what? No! I mean I'm Dick. Like my name. Well actually my name is Richard but people just call me Dick." "Oh! Nice to meet you I'm Marinette!" She smiled a bright smile. Guardian senses told her maybe he was a good person. 

They stopped in front of a building that was super tall. "We're here." He gestured to the building. "Thank you Mr. Dick." "Just Dick! I have somewhere to be. I hope we meet again!" "Me too! Have a good day." 

Marinette walked in and saw her teacher arguing with the front desk employee. "You're missing a student! I can't give you the keys until you have the student! Mr. Wayne said to make sure all the students are safe. Gotham is no joke Miss! It's dangerous!" "I'm here!" Marinette waved her arm up in the air running in, suitcase behind her. "Marinette why are you always causing trouble!" Miss Bustier scolded. "Now the class had to wait because of you." "You were the one that left me at the airport without doing a headcount." Mari sassed back.

She didn't know why she was doing this. Was it because Hawkmoth can't get them here? Is it because of the Gotham air? Is it because of the familiar atmosphere that reminded her to be tough like back then?

It was 2 to a room. Marinette and Miss Bustier had their own. No one wanted to room with a "bully" and the teacher had her own room. 

Marinette stepped into her room. 

The bedroom:https:

The bedroom:https:

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The sitting area:

(I wanted to put like the bathroom too but something was wrong with my uploading so I couldn't)

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(I wanted to put like the bathroom too but something was wrong with my uploading so I couldn't)

Tikki and Kalkki zipped out. "This is so beautiful Marinette!" "Yeah! Isn't it? So fancy!" Mari exclaimed, eyes dancing around the room as she took in all the detail. "Do you think I can transform maybe tomorrow night or something?" "Ladybug shouldn't be spotted in Gotham." "I'll be LadyMare! Please?" Marinette begged. "Okay but be careful! We don't want to run into Gotahm's vigilantes or anything." "Thank you Tikki! I'm gonna get ready for dinner tonight." Kalkki brought Tikki a cookie from the backpack as she munched on a sugarcube. 

||Thanks for reading guys! You are all amazing and wonderful! Have the best day ever! Bai! Be happy!||


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