xiii. moonglow

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➳ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕖 𝕓𝕪 𝕡𝕖𝕘𝕘𝕪 𝕝𝕖𝕖

WITH HER CARDIGAN tied around her neck and cautiously leaving the window slightly open before her return, Donna ran off in search of the boy who had so suddenly arrived tonight. She placed her feet firmly into the frown lawn in disbelief over the way she was acting just out of the impromptu of the stranger that suddenly bursted into her life. "I'm sneaking out." She suddenly held her head up high over the statement. "I'm sneaking out. Wait until the girls see me now."

Catching her now with her hands on her hips in a power stance, Marty leaned against the fence of the house amused over her distracting herself with her own pride. "Am I interrupting something?"

Breaking herself out of the world she'd created she faced the peculiar bog questionably. Despite so easily following along with him, she did have her own share of suspicions. "What's your plan now exactly? It is getting pretty late."

"It's nine o'clock? And that's not until tomorrow, you and I have plans instead tonight."

Widening her eyes over him deciding to change this Marty only grinned at her expressiveness towards being deceived. "You said—"

"This was me trying to persuade you to keep helping me. Y'know. . .being friendly," He explained for Donna to try to stifle the laughter over the phrase that had so suddenly become an inside joke between the two of them.

She turned back to the house with the raised risk of the longer she was out here of getting caught by her parents then back over to the cheeky grin on the stranger who showed up here. To have to admit to him that she hadn't been allowed to go out with a boy they didn't approve of, no less stay out past her curfew to do so, was something she didn't necessarily want to speak about. Yet Donna had become somewhat comfortable enough with him to speak on the matter. That he hadn't commented on her being a prude or talked her out of her behavior like others had before.

Her eyes looking down to the floor nervously as she fussed with the ends of her shirt left Marty to tilt his head over this concerned. Assuming how fearful she'd been the last time he was here he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "If you don't want to that's okay—"

"No! Let's go!" He looked up to her interrupting him with a wide-grin. Donna grew flustered over her speaking so suddenly and shook her head to try and get rid of the blush that had rushed into her cheeks. "Just two friends."

"Thought we didn't really know each other still? Now you're calling us friends."

She shook her head over his tone hearing this and walked past him to the '46 paccard parked not too far away. "Might be my last night out if my parents catch me anyways." Donna turned back with her hands clasped over an idea that came into her head. Instinctively having his arms raised as she did this he slowly eased up to smile at the expression on her face. "You think we can see that Disney film?"

Marty laughed under his breath to slowly nod. "Isn't that a kids movie?" Watching her unbothered by the question he nodded, following ahead to pull open the passenger door. "Alright we're seeing a kids movie tonight I guess."


WITH THE FEW people in attendance, Marty looked around to the movie theatre being half empty despite it not being so late into the night. He turned over to Donna tossing up the popcorn into her mouth before raising the tub up to him silently. Laughing he took some into his hands and turned back to the screen. "Don't people go to the movies around this time?"

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