xiv. got no strings

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➳ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕖𝕝𝕤𝕖 𝕓𝕪 𝕖𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕒𝕟

NOVEMBER 9th, 1955

BETWEEN CLASSES one could find Donna in an her usual cheery manner. Whether it be in the assumption of the encounter she had last night or successfully not getting caught for said encounter was beyond anyone. All Betty could understand by seeing her with a skip in her step was a mockery for everyone else dreading for the school day to start. Exchanging a glance with the other girls in the group, she leaned on the her door to try and get a reasoning for this. "Alright, we get that you're our dear Lady Walsh, but. . .this is excessive even for you."

Just by this, Samuel Baker walked over to the group's locker timidly. The three other members simultaneously exchanged a look of surprise before back to Donna slowly dropping her shoulders over the promise she had made the other day. "You look awfully nice today, Donna."

"Bet you think she looks awfully nice," Lorraine muttered for only them to hear as her friend shoved her for the embarrassing comment.

Composing herself she smiled up to the boy with a nod. "Thanks, Samuel. You look. . .good too?" He grinned widely grin for her to awkwardly do the same. "Was there a reason you came by?"

"Right! I was hoping I'd walk you to class this morning. Could carry your books for you?"

Wanting to object to this as she wasn't exactly comfortable with this outward display of affection from someone she had no interest aside of being a ticket to the dance, Donna felt complied to be obey whatever her mom dictated to be done. Regardless of whether it had any importance to her she was more worried about the woman in question finding out about her not acting out of her taught mannerisms and, with that, not being able to go to the dance at all.

As if the event was as big of a deal as those in the high school were proclaiming it to be.

"Sure! Why not?" Handing off the little textbooks in her grasp she strolled alongside him instead, turning back to her friends waving jokingly out to her. Shaking her head Donna turned over to the boy to smile timidly before moving on. Along the way she noticed some bullies picking on George McFly, the boy being scolded by Strickland for something he had no control over.

Hanging her head as a means of biting her tongue to speak on defense for him, Samuel said nothing of this either to clear his throat instead. "Sorry about coming by your house yesterday." She turned over to him confused as he continued to speak, despite him looking down the hall to their first classes for that morning as opposed to her. "I was meaning to actually ask Georgia Finn, but my parents were set on me asking you instead. Just— thought you should know."

Sighing in relief exaggeratedly so as he said this caused for him to widen his eyes as she tried to explain herself. "My parents won't let me go unless they approve of my date and my mother certainly won't let me go with anyone she didn't handpick herself." Nodding over the cruelty of this she crinkled her nose in disgust. "I can't stand it, but I sadly know the feeling."

Looking back again to the victim of ridicule in the next hall reminded her of the stranger that so suddenly popped into her life. At this moment of time proving to be terrible of timing to seem as if he even was important in a situation like this. "Comes with living in a small town. Parents think we're more outdated to follow along with them playing matchmaker."

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