xv. cry me a river

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➳ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕓𝕪 𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕣𝕒

WALKING OVER to George's house per Marty's memory of having followed him home several times now. Curious as to what they were meant to do this time, she turned over to him with her brows knit tightly together. "What's the plan then?"

Being too focused on where they were going, thinking he might forget, if his memory drifted away to anything else, Marty briefly turned over to her. "Well, I'm taking Lorraine to the dance and swapping dates with George."

She laughed over him phrasing this to shake her head. "What? George, has a girl you actually wanna go out with."

Marty turned over to her out of being cheeky and distracted himself on what they were doing. "No, but she is better company." Turning over to what he was suggesting left her to laugh nervously as a result, getting embarrassed over feeling her cheeks heat up over the sudden suggestion. "You'll go with George to the dance and then I'll take you."

It was rather innocent of him to ask. Essentially Marty thought if he kept a close enough eye on Donna, he could somehow stop her fate that seemed to be set in stone that very same night. He felt obligated to make sure she would be okay, more so with knowing what was to come. That was about the extent of his reasoning behind the proposition.

Donna, however, knew this couldn't work out because one) her father was friends with Strickland which meant he wouldn't appreciate her going out with, for an infamous term coined by her principal, a slacker, and two) she was already meant to go with Samuel in order to avoid a fit from her mother if she said no. "I've already got a date, I can't."

Recalling briefly the exchange of words made from Biff's cronies he rubbed the back of his neck in an attempt to think out whether or not it was his place to ask. Even though he was going to ask more about it anyways. "Heard them say that back there." Noticing her not responding back to this he lifted his hand away to continue. "Where'd the Mary nickname even come from?"

Flushing red, embarrassed Marty had heard it and hoping he wouldn't bring it up, Donna wished for the color that rushed into her cheeks over being asked this to go away as quickly as it came. "It's not important."

"Maybe it is."


"Donna." She stopped in her tracks to turn to him saying her name in the same mocking tone as she just had, seeing him noticeably concerned in regards to the bullies. "Even after all this time we've known each other, you don't wanna tell me?"

Marty watched her crack a smile and try to stifle her laughter over the comment. This only proving to be useless as she laughed wholeheartedly before composing herself enough to say something in return. "We've known each other for four days. Hardly a lot of time."

Looking back the way they were going, Donna noticed the fellow teen that brought them here in the middle of his chores for the day. With the laundry basket in hand he was midway from opening the front door before spotting the two coming up in his direction. Marty, expecting to be greeted with open arms, instead found the younger version of his father seeming to try and find a way out of the situation as best he could.

"Wait, George!" Donna decided to call out for the boy to stop in his tracks, spinning on his shoes to nervously face the pair. Being as pleasant as she always was she waved a hand out to him. "We came by to talk to you, if you're not busy."

Noticing Donna still around him more or less was the reason George stopped confused. That and the matter of them already seeing he was home was rather a difficult thing to shake away. "Oh, uh, hi, Donna. Listen I've got to do my chores or my mom'll get really angry with me."

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