xviii. something special

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➳ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕗 𝕟𝕠 𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟 𝕓𝕪 𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕝𝕪𝕟 𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕣𝕠𝕖

BY HER GUESSES if Marty hand't completely forgotten about her just yet, Donna was expecting for him to no doubt be waiting at the footsteps of her house. The boy, however, was no where in sight just yet to have her frown in disappointment. To then catch herself feeling disappointed when she had just agreed that he brought nothing but trouble onto her these past few days since they met. Being the one to read too heavily into signs, she assumed the experience must be significant to something.

Taking quick strides up to her room upon noticing the family car missing from the driveway, meaning her mother must have headed into the grocery store for a brief run, she took the opportunity to have a moment to herself. This meant lifting the floorboard to reveal her comfort items tucked away in their hiding place to have her smile, flipping through the records to pick out which she would take out.

Upon her search the house phone at the bottom of the stairs rang once only to hang up rather suddenly. Knitting her brows together confused upon hearing a second ring she recalled having told Marty to do this if there were ever a time he needs to call her up. Practically sliding on the floor as she was only wearing her laced socks, Donna lunged to the phone hanging on the war to rest her back against the door. "Walsh speaking."

"So, you do have a pretty voice even over the phone."

Rolling her eyes over easily recognizing Marty's voice, she twirled the cord between her fingers nervously despite him not actually being there. "Haven't seen you all-day, you know."

"Why did you miss me?" Earning some laughter out of her, he followed up after lingering on the sound. "Your parents home?"

Donna looked towards the door timidly even though she very well knew they weren't. The embedded fear of their overbearing presence simply lingering on the household environment. "No, my father's still at the courthouse working and my mother's out shopping with my brother." Looking over to the baked goods still resting in their basket she was fixing to take up to the river when she finished her homework, she thought up to bring a different sort of company this time around. "Do you wanna go somewhere?"

"Are you asking me on—"

"I'm asking if you want to come along as friends with me to a little hiding place I've got a few miles out of the center of town. I was up all night baking and I'm gonna get a stomach ache if I eat all of it alone."

Not surprised she had a knack for something as sweet as baking, Marty nodded over the line. "Could drive my uncle's car over now?"

She nodded to not dramatize the matter when there was possibly nothing to worry about as she had already been alone in a car before. There was hardly anything to worry about it. "Sure! I'll just pack up my things in a jiffy and meet you out?"

On the other line Marty replayed the word choice in his head, smiling over it before responding back. "See you in a jiffy." Hanging up the line she continued to dial up someone to cover for her once her parents realized she'd gone home late again.

Impatiently waiting on the other end her friend thankfully got to the phone without making her wait too long. "Look, if this is—"

"Gah! Betty, it's me?" Donna spoke, frightened by the sudden harsh tone brought from the girl on the other line.

Laughing this off her friend apologized to her through this. "Gee, didn't mean to scare you, lady. Been getting prank calls again, I'm pretty sure it's Henry. Tried to ask me to the dance while I was walking back home after hanging with you girls today, but I told him no 'cause I already got a date and—"

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