The Beginning

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Hinata's Point of View-

Dang it! I'm late for school! I ran down the cobblestone path to the best school there ever was, Karasuno High School. The Tiny Giant played for them in the past! Not only are they the best school, but they have the best boy's volleyball team ever! Don't even get me started on the people there! Everyone is at least 6 feet tall or taller. Not me or Noya-senpai we're about 5'something. All my best friends are on the volleyball team!

Everyone likes me because I'm nice except Tsukishima Kei. He doesn't like anyone on the team and always makes fun of me and our teammates, only when we annoy him though, otherwise he's very quiet and stubborn. His only friend is Tadashi Yamaguchi or Yams for short. He's the only person allowed to call him Tsukki, and even that he still doesn't like that very much.

I run as I look down to see the fallen cherry blossom leaves and almost forgot to collect one for- well what it's for doesn't really matter at the moment. I pick up one single blossom and place it in my pocket. As I begin to make my way into the building I bump into someone causing myself to stumble backwards and almost lose my balance. I manage to keep myself for falling over and bow down and apologize. I looked up and could already feel my face burning up.

"Watch where you're going shrimp"

That name. Shrimp. He makes fun of my small figure and orange hair.

"Tsukki don't call me shrimp!"

He tch's at me.

"First off all don't call me that,"

He bends down to my level making my palms sweaty and my face of fire

"And how is it my fault that you look like a human tangerine?"

I blush at his comment. I turn out to stare at the front gate. How can I like someone so cruel to me. I'm pretty sure he's not even into boys and even if he was he would probably date Yams, not me of all people. I let these thoughts consume me for a while when he finally says,

"You good shrimpy?"

I notice the gate hundreds of yards away.

Maybe I should skip today.

He pulls me by my backpack and drags me into the building.

"H-hey! W-what're you doing?!"

I yell.

"Shut up shrimp! I am taking you to class. You're late, remember?" He snarks.

"Oh yeah.." I mumble.

He scoffs and successfully took me to class where I apologized for my tardiness.

After school I race towards the gym. I see Kageyama, our team's setter, at our racing spot drinking a box of milk that he got from the wedding machine as usual. We make eye contact and he takes off before me.

"Hey, you're cheating!"

I race after him and end up losing.

"That's not fair! You cheated!"

I complain as we enter the gym. I end up complain while changing. And while stretching. And while the beginning of practice. Finally he takes a volleyball and spikes it at the back of my head.


I chuckle and mutter "Okay okay I get it,"

I walk towards Sugawara, the other setter and "mom" of the team, and stand behind him for protection. He looks at me confused while Kageyama is still glaring at me while I smirk at him. He realizes what I'm about to say and gives me a look that says "don't you dare."

I yell from across the gym


He growls and yells


He runs towards me as I yelp and run in the opposite direction. Asahi chases after Kageyama with his Holy Water while Tanka and Noya roll around on the floor laughing. Daichi, the captain and "dad" of the team, starts yelling at us to keep practicing but we don't listen. I glanced at Tsukki, wishing things were a bit different.

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