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Tsukishima's point of view-

As he laid there in my arms, I prayed and thanked god that that was the only thing he saw. There were some that I couldn't hide, no matter how much makeup I put on them.

Those were the darkest ones.

Luckily there were only a few like that. The rest were light bruises.

Nothing Important really.

I opened my eyes to see the little orange haired ball of sunshine next to me.

His face was nuzzled into my chest.

I kissed him on his forehead and decided to close my eyes again. He seemed tired and I didn't want to get him up for no reason.

I think about 3 seconds past before I feel his soft lips press up against mine. He nuzzled his head in my chest again.

Heh so he is awake.

(Not me writing things I know I can never get in real life 🖐️😭 without the bad stuff ofc)

At practice-

Shrimpy is late! Daichi's gonna pissed if he doesn't hurry up.

As suddenly as I had said that I see orange hair just out the corner of my eye. He's walking the other way!

The gym is over here Hinata boke!

I catch myself.

Oh my god...

Tears start to fill my eyes.


Out of everything that's happened, I think that might be the worst.

I turn the corner to see talking to 2 other guys. Shrimp technically owes me for listening into my conversation with (irrelevant) So I decided to listen in on his conversation.

"We were scheduled for Friday next week. Leave me alone."

The guy on the left grabbed him by the wrist.

"Fine, so cancel Friday and do it now."

Hinata doesn't say anything. He drops his bag and stands up against the wall. The guys smile at each other and begin to get closer to him. Hinata takes off his jacket and then his shirt. Hinata turns his head facing the guy and closes his eyes.

The guy who had spoken before raised his fist and punched Hinata in the stomach.

Hinata let out a little cough and blood came from his mouth.

I know Hinata's scars.

I've seen them.

I know what he goes through.

Those guys are just the beginning of it.

I was about to step in when Hinata opened his mouth to speak.

"I want you to know, this will have consequences."

"Tch! You say that every time!" He smirks. "As matter of fact, show me what the consequences are now! Might as well get it over with." Both guys laugh.

Out of nowhere Hinata chuckles.

Then they turn into giggles.

Then they turned into laughs until they reached an outburst of laughter.

"What the hell are you laughing about!"

Shoyo wipes his mouth. "I'm sorry for laughing!" He bows down while still chuckling.

"Just think about it for a second."

He says as he stands back up straight.

"4-5 times a month,"

He puts his shirt back on.

"12 months a year,"

He puts his jacket back on.

"What do you think you're-!" Hinata puts his finger over the guy's lips.

"For 6 years. A punch like had no business even coming close to my body." He slaps the guy in the face.

"Akaria and Akarin, from now on you practice with Shayo. He has the time for this."


Shoyo looks at them with a serious face.

"When you've both learned to fight for yourselves, you may come back and train however for now you are no longer my problem."

"Shoyo, you know how he is! He's crazy-"

The guy on right elbowed him in the rib and the guy from the left immediately caught himself. "Trust me, I know how crazy he can be. But..." He laughs. "I don't care!"

He lifts his shirt to reveal the scar that surrounded his chest.

"He did this to me. Just imagine what he'll do to you!" He laughs again.

He lifts his shirt down, picks his bag back up and walks off.

Both guys bolted out of there.

When everyone is in the gym-

"Sorry I'm late guys! I was busy with some classmates."

Suga had a concerned look on his face.

"Oh no it's not like that! They needed help with passing out the assignments!"

His look calmed down after that.

The whole practice, Shoyo seemed off. I think the others noticed but didn't bother to say anything.

After practice (SORRY FOR THE TIME SKIPS)-

"Hey Shrimp wait up!"

I catch up to him as soon as he is about to leave the gym.

"Sorry Tsukki, I'm busy today. We can hang out tomorrow though!"

He knows more than he is letting on.

"K whatever shrimp. See ya."

He grabs my arm. "Please don't be mad. I really am sorry, I couldn't get out of this!"

I lean down and kiss him. "See ya." I put my hands in my pockets and walked off.

His face turns red. "BAKA TSUKKI! YOU CAN"T JUST DO THAT WITHOUT WARNING YOU..." As I walk off, his words start to fade.

I chuckle but still can't get those names out of my head.

Shayo, Akaria, Akarin.....What did he mean by defending yourselves? Who's Shayo and why is he name so similar to Hinata's? Are they related? Why did he give him that scar? Is he dangerous?

These questions haunted me all night until I fell asleep.

Stupid shrimp always has me so damn worried!

Hey guys!

Like I said before in the past, the more reads, the longer chapters will be, the longer chapter will take, even though this chapter wasn't that long, I wanted to remind you of that.

This was kinda confusing but don't worry things will clear up in the next chapter.

For now, you can be just as clueless as Tsukki because he has no idea what's going on either!

Thank you so much for 1.3k reads! This is the best thing that has happened to me in a while. I've been having a crappy week so hopefully you guys had a better week then i did.

Don't forget to vote,comment,share, and if you really liked it add it to your list or library!

I enjoyed making this and I hope you enjoyed reading this. Bye!💕🍊🧂🦖🌞

(Comment you favorite Haikyuu ship OTHER than Tsukihina!)

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