Chapter 5

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Nayeon groans as she rubs her eyes tenderly. There's a mess of dark hair on her face that's making her skin itchy.

She pulls back slightly and find that it's Momo who's sleeping half on top of her. She doesn't remember how or why they've ended up together on her bed.

There's a gentle knock on the door. Sana walks in with two glasses of water and headache pills.

"Momo got upset you called the moon a doughnut and you tried to prove that it's actually a doughnut by trying to reach it and eat it and fell into the pool. Momo thought you fell off the titanic and kept screaming Jack come back even though we explained you're Nayeon and when we pulled you out of the water she won't let you go and kept singing my heart will go on crying loudly. So I changed you into warm clothes and Mina changed Momo into her night clothes and we left you here together. "

Sana finishes the story in one breath and Nayeon just wants to find a hole that she can crawl into and die.

"Don't be embarrassed. We found it really entertaining." Sana gently pats the older girl's cheeks with an affectionate smile and Nayeon just wants to disappear into thin air.

When they make it to the late brunch and Jeongyeon asks Nayeon with a cheeky grin if she can pass the moon pointing at the doughnuts on the table and her bandmates dissolve into fits of laughter, Nayeon swears she's never going to drink again in her life.

In the afternoon the girls have booked bungee jumping. Nayeon is terrified of heights so she offers to record the girls who are willing to do it.

When they reach the jumping site, Chaeyoung approaches her looking petrified.

"I can't jump with Mina." She admits.

"You are in love with her, you know love means that you should be able to overcome your fears for the one you love?"

Chaeyoung has the decency to look ashamed. "Maybe it's not love yet. Love takes a long time Unnie."

Nayeon sighs. It's true, love is a long process , you need to get to know the person, get to see who they really are. Love doesn't come at first sight, except in films and weirdos like her.

"What do you want me to do? "

"Can you do exactly like I say in front of Mina?"

So ten minutes later she's standing before Mina and Chaeyoung pretending that she never expected this to happen, pretending she hasn't already agreed to jump with Mina.

"I don't want Mina to jump alone, but my headache has gotten worse. Please Unnie?" Chaeyoung begs with puppy dog eyes.

"Chaeyoungah I can go alone. It's fine." Mina reassures her.

Nayeon sees how touched Mina is that Chaeyoung cares so much about her.

"Fine, I'll do it. You owe me!" Nayeon sighs reluctantly.

When they're alone, Nayeon's heart beating in her throat when she reaches the cliff, she hears Mina's concerned voice beside her. "Nayeon-chan are you not scared of heights?"

"No." Nayeon lies smoothly. "Besides Chaeyoung is literally begging everyone to go with you. She cares about you a lot you know Minaya? I'm actually doing this so she'd stop whining."

Mina nods her head like she understands. Nayeon knows Mina will never understand how important she's to people, she has always been like that, she never sees how special she is in the eyes of others.

When they jump, Nayeon forgets that she's scared of heights because Mina is shaking so much that she holds her gently and reassures her that it's going to be okay.

When they touch down Mina finds Chaeyoung waiting for her and hugs her so tight Nayeon feels that true love doesn't really need anyone's help. It'll find it's way if it's meant to be.

Just as the thought occupies her head, she seems Jeongyeon approach them with a big smile on her face.

True love will always find it's way. She thinks to herself again.

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