Chapter 31

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"Where's Nayeon?" Jihyon feels like she's been asking this question too often lately. It unsettles her, but she quickly squashes the thought. She has always been an over thinker and Nayeon doesn't need her breathing down her throat when all she probably wants is some time alone.

"She's busy finding a spot to hide Momo's phone." Tzuyu points towards Nayeon's room where sound of feet shuffling comes from.

"Not again." Sana sniggers, "Why does Momo leave her phone lying around when we live with The Nayeon?"

"She trusts too much." Dahyun exclaims, she's always careful around the bunny living in their dorm.

"Nobody should trust Nayeon." Jeongyeon jokes because Nayeon is a certified prankster. She immediately regrets her words when she sees Mina flinch like she's reminded of something she doesn't want to think about.

Nayeon ends up taking Momo for dinner even though her body is shuddering with chills, because the younger girl pretends to be upset when she finds its Nayeon who's hidden her phone again.

"You are eligible for an Oscar." Sana winks at Momo, who is bouncing excitedly on her feet as Nayeon slips her boots on.

"Shush, guilt tripping is the only way I'm going to get Nayeonnie to buy me dinner." Momo goes back to her sad face quickly when Nayeon looks behind her to see if the younger girl is good to go.

"I'm going to sleep, goodnight Chaeyoungah." Mina sidehugs the girl beside her and goes to her room claiming she's exhausted after the long press conference.

Chaeyoung sighs, it's not even six in the evening and she's going to miss Mina until it's time for her to get to bed.

"Well try not to have too much fun on your date." Tzuyu says dryly to Momo as they open the door ready to head out.

"Try not to be too jealous." Momo sticks her tongue at her.

Jeongyeon glances to her right and sees Chaeyoung look longingly at Mina's shut door. The front door shuts and Nayeon leaves with Momo.

She feels jealousy is something that even the most rational person has no control over.

Sana has noticed a pattern for a while but she doesn't want to jump into conclusions. But towards the end of the night she's confident her inkling is right.

"Mina, wake up. Nayeon has gotten us takeaway for dinner." Sana jumps on her bed and watches the girl gently stir from her sleep and wincing when the bright light hits her sensitive eyes.

"I'm not hungry Sana." She sits up and stretches softly.

"Your favorite Kimchi fried rice is there, come on you can't say no that." Sana flashes an offer Mina could never refuse. She sees the girl's eyes light up for a second at the mention of her favorite food before she lets out a soft sigh of reluctance.

She smiles sadly at Sana. "I'm good, I'm just really sleepy."

Mina babies Sana all the time but the girl is quite intuitive. She's noticed that Mina is avoiding Nayeon but she can't understand why.

"I don't understand." She blurts out what's on her mind and continues when Mina frowns in confusion. "You forgave Chaeyoung but not Nayeon, why?"

Mina doesn't reply for a while and Sana thinks that's the end of the conversation until she speaks up quietly. "Because a broken heart can be fixed, but a broken trust is not easy to fix."

Sana wonders for a moment which one of the two Nayeon broke but shakes the thought away. Obviously she's talking about Chaeyoung breaking her heart and Nayeon breaking her trust.

The filter in her mouth seems to be out of order today because she actually asks Mina, "Which one of the two Nayeon broke?"

"Doesn't your heart break when the trust breaks?"

Sana can't argue with that. Trust and heartbreak aren't mutually exclusive after all, you don't have to be in love to experience heartbreak.

"Do you want me to punch her for you?" She jokes.

Mina's lips quirk up in a tiny smile. "She'll easily beat you in a punching match. Too much energy."

"Oh yes, I forgot about that." Sana giggles. "I can imagine her being 90 and still bouncing on her bed as soon as she wakes up."

The image puts another smile on Mina's face.

And it only grows wider when she wakes up the next morning and finds Nayeon running all over the place, trying to get away from Jeongyeon who's furious Nayeon has shown another embarrassing photo of her on a vlive.

Sana's eyes meet Mina's across the room in a secretive smile that says 'see I told you.'

Mina lets go off the past, if only for a moment, to chuckle at the sight of Nayeon jumping over couches and chairs in the living room only to fall flat on her arse two minutes later.

Jeongyeon doesn't even bother helping her up. She points at Nayeon and begins to laugh with glee and Tzuyu doesn't misses the chance to capture the spectacular moment on her phone.

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