Chapter 8

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But Chaeyoung doesn't know the problem is going to come in the form of an adorable babbling drunk.

Chaeyoung and Mina are talking about their day and how scared Mina felt while she jumped off the cliff.

"Thank you for convincing Nayeon to jump with me. I'd have died if I were alone." Mina says a little too dramatically.

"Well, I'm not going to let a pretty girl die. Not on my watch." Chaeyoung squeezes the delicate hand that's close to hers on the table and Mina turns a little pink.

She's definitely a fast learner. Nayeon thinks as she leans on the tree.

Chaeyoung's stomach lets out a low growl loud enough to make Mina chuckle.

"Don't be embarrassed. I'm starving too. Lets go home and grab some food." Mina says sympathetically. They had lunch at midday because they had the jump scheduled in the afternoon. It's almost nine now and they still haven't eaten.

She's reluctant to leave the spot because it's enchanting and beautiful and she wishes she could spend a little more time there. "I wish we could eat here. It's too wonderful to leave. "

Chaeyoung smiles really wide. "Your wish is my grant."

She claps again. Mina wonders if Jeongyeon is going to stop playing the guitar and get them food. To her complete and utter shock, Nayeon appears from behind another tree pushing a cart.

She bows lightly as she reaches their side and whisks away the cloth that's covering the cart in one swift and elegant motion.

There are two trays of beautifully decorated prawn salad with a side of sauce and a bottle of red wine to go with it.

She places them on the table and sets the glasses of wine gingerly by their side.

"Wine, madam?" Nayeon looks at Mina who's still staring softly in awe and wonder, it almost makes her want to chuckle. But she has to be professional, for baby Chaeyoung's sake.

Jeongyeon has switched to playing Come away with me by Norah Jones now.

Mina clears her throat and nods after a while.

Nayeon fills her glass to half and pours for Chaeyoung as well.

"Enjoy your drink, Madam." She bows and disappears behind the tree pulling the cart along with her.

Knowing there's Jeongyeon and Nayeon probably witnessing this makes Mina a little self conscious. But once the wine settles in her, she feels a little calmer and able to hold a conversation with Chaeyoung without fidgeting.

When they're done with the salad and Mina wonders if they're ever going to get around to eating proper food, Nayeon appears at the perfect time serving them chicken spaghetti in creamy sauce and refills their glass of wine.

"Bonne appetit, Mademoiselle." She says as she sets the plate down before Mina and bows gracefully before leaving.

"Chaeyoungah." She doesn't know what to say. She can't believe the younger girl has convinced Jeongyeon to be a guitarist and Nayeon to be a waiter for their dinner.. date? Is this a date, because it definitely feels like one.

"Don't say anything yet. Lets enjoy our food first." Chaeyoung stops her, as if she knows what Mina is about to ask.

Mina takes a mouthful of mood and moans quietly. "This is delicious."

Nayeon high fives herself because she's glad she chose the little diner to order the food from instead of the expensive restaurant. It's always the small places that offers the best.

Chaeyoung extends her hand to Mina once they're done with their food. "Dance with me?"

Mina looks around quizzically. She's not sure how much dance they can do with just guitar music. She still takes the extended hand because she can't deny Chaeyoung anything after all the wonderful night she'd given her.

Nayeon appears again with her portable Karaoke that she carries everywhere and a boom box. She sets them down next to Jeongyeon and unfolds a stool that's perched against the tree. She passes a mic to Jeongyeon who puts her guitar away. Mina looks at them questioningly.

When they turn the karaoke on, and begin to sing Ed Sheeran's Shape of you, Mina breaks into a laughter that sounds musical to Chaeyoung's ears. She mentally thanks Nayeon for choosing a light and fun song to break the awkward tension Mina is showing. Nayeon definitely knows people more than she lets on.

Mina relaxes a little as Chaeyoung spins her around and it's all fun and amusing and she's jumping along with Chaeyoung who's holding her in her arms when Nayeon and Jeongyeon shift to Rihanna's only girl in the world.

Chaeyoung turns Mina around and they're facing each other with matching goofy smiles and Nayeon decides that's the perfect moment to smoothly switch over to Elvis' Can't help falling in love.

There's a thick tension in air suddenly as Chaeyoung pulls Mina closer to her, leaning on her shoulder and sways them to the slow music.

Jeongyeon strums the guitar as they've turned the Karaoke off for this particular song. She turns to look at Nayeon who looks exquisite under the fairy lights belting out a classic Elvis.

Only fools rush in ,
But I can't help falling in love with you

Chaeyoung moves them both and Mina relaxes in her hold letting the music and the words wash over her. She opens her eyes and Chaeyoung sways them around bringing the musical duo in her line of vision.

Like a river flows, surely to the sea
Darling so it goes, somethings are meant to be

Nayeon puts all her soul and emotion into the song. When Mina's gaze accidentally comes to rest on hers Nayeon looks away awkwardly because she feels like she's interrupting a private moment.

Chaeyoung spins them around again.

Take my hand take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you.

Nayeon finishes softly and Jeongyeon strums the last chord and the moment grows thick with the tension hanging in the air.

Chaeyoung pulls back and locks her gaze with Mina who swallows thickly. Her gaze searches into Chaeyoung, her heart palpitating in her throat anxious of what's going to come.

"Mina." Chaeyoung's voice is barely a whisper. She knows this is the picture perfect moment to ask Mina. She lets out a soft breath and takes a step closer to the girl.

Nayeon looks away. Jeongyeon looks tense.

"I need to tell .."

Before she gets her words out they hear a loud scream.

"Jaaaaaackkk. You're here. "

A drunk Momo is running towards them , pushing them out of the way and jumps on top of Nayeon toppling her to the ground and begins to wail clinging on to her.

Chaeyoung doesn't know if she should cry or laugh.

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