Chapter 10

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It begins to drizzle when the girls finally call it a night. They run towards the house and Tzuyu has to practically carry Momo because she's far too gone to walk on her feet after two beers.

Nayeon makes herself some hot chocolate. It's around one in the morning but the thoughts in her head are running too wild to let her sleep. She's a masochist, why else would she hurt herself like this?

"Why does she always stare at the rain?" Chaeyoung whispers to Mina as they walk past her to the ground floor to make a late night snack. "That's the only time I see her stay still in one spot."

Mina shrugs. Nayeon is an enigma, she's friendly, funny and cheerful but nobody gets to see the real person behind the outer charm. Nobody knows what's going through her head when she stares at the rain with a faraway look in her impenetrable brown eyes that carefully guards many emotions behind them. She's never seen her let those guards down.

"Guess nobody is gonna get a glimpse of the real Nayeon except Jeongyeon someday." Chaeyoung says casting one final glance at the girl looking into the night.

Mina nods her head silently in agreement.

"Momo, I love you with all my heart but if you mess with my cooking again, I'm going to throw you out the window." Nayeon walks into the kitchen rubbing the sleep off her eyes to see what the fuss is about.

Tzuyu is trying to make french toast but Momo  keeps adding something or other to the eggs.

Nayeon glances at the watch. It's nine in the morning. They need to be at a site where they let you swim with the dolphins in two hours. Even though they're on holidays they have to record an hour of their activities for their fans and they're never going to get breakfast if the pair kept bickering like this.

The other girls join them shortly and when Tzuyu and Momo start arguing again about how much salt is perfect, Nayeon has had enough.

"Some of us are hungry here." She loudly moans at the pair and asks them to quit fighting.

"Chaeyoungah. Why don't you take Momo away so I can help Tzuyu?" Mina rubs a soothing hand on Chaeyoung's legs and she nods her head like a puppy on a leash.

Jeongyeon makes a whipped motion making Nayeon laugh.

Ten minutes later they have the toasts ready because an organized Mina and a hardworking Tzuyu are working synchronized in the kitchen.

Nayeons shoves her face with food.

"I know you missed dinner last night but your face is gonna explode if you stuffed so much food Unnie." Chaeyoung pokes her cheeks.

"You missed dinner last night?" Jihyo's tone is annoyed. She is all about tough love.

"Yeah because she was busy decorating the spot for my dinner da.." Chaeyoung stops herself from saying date just in time and her eyes grow wide. Mina tenses by her side.

"You shouldn't miss meals." Mina says not really looking at Nayeon, as she grabs a carton of orange juice and pours it for herself.

Chaeyoung is glad that Mina has diverted the attention to something else and hasn't said anything about her near confession. Breakfast table isn't the perfect place or the moment to ask her out.

"Anyway, if singing didn't work out for you, you could have been a successful interior designer. That place looked really beautiful last night." Sana points a fork at Nayeon who's growing quieter by the second.

"Looks like Momo and Tzuyu are friends again." Nayoen changes the topic quickly, glancing at where they're sitting, leaning on each other like they weren't at each other's throat few minutes ago.

"They're so weird." Jeongyeon says , "but cute."

She turns to Nayeon who's looking at her and plants a kiss on her cheek. "Not as cute as you though."

Dahyun laughs when Nayeon flushes brightly.

Chaeyoung averts her gaze, Mina clears her throat, Jihyo throws a knowing smile and Sana high fives Jeongyeon.

Tzuyu and Momo are feeding each other a piece of their toasts.

Nayeon thinks they're definitely the weirdest bunch of celebrities.

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