Chapter 39

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Fuck fuck fuck. I want to kill her.

That's the only thing that's running through her head now and she can't help the faint flush when she remembers that fucking is exactly what she's done.

It's been three days since the incident and she vividly remembers the conversation she's had with the older girl the morning after.

"It's no big deal. It's a drunken mistake right?" She asks Jeongyeon.

"Right!! A drunken mistake." Jeongyeon scoffs and Chaeyoung wonders if she imagines the hurt in her voice.

"You like Nayeon and I like Mina. Lets just pretend this never happened?" She asks, and the words leaves a bitter taste in her own mouth for some reason.

"Of course."

It has been three long confusing and miserable days since those last words they said to each other and now all Chaeyoung wants to do is strangle Jeongyeon who has her arms wrapped around Nayeon, trying to grab the candies she has stolen from her bag.

"Nayeon, those are my emergency stash."

Nayeon untangles the strong arms and shoves Jeongyeon away with her feet as she lays back on the studio chair. "But it is an emergency!! I'm hungry."

"Girls, you'd be airing in ten minutes. Stop fighting." Their manager yells from across the studio.

More like stop with your stupid mating ritual. Chaeyoung thinks to herself with faint annoyance.

"Both of you stop." Jihyo drags Jeongyeon by the collar of her shirt away from Nayeon and grabs the bag of candies shoving it into Mina's hands knowing they'd never fight her for it.

The Radio interview begins and after the initial questions about their upcoming music video and promotional activities, the topic turns to their personal lives.

"What is your ideal type in a guy Chaeyoung?"

Chaeyoung glimpses at Mina who catches her eyes and gives a gentle smile.

"Someone I can be myself with, understands me and supports me." Chaeyoung doesn't break the glance. "Also someone who's calm and mature."

She emphasizes on the last word.

Mina looks away when she finishes the answers but Chaeyoung feels Jeongyeon's eyes on them. She ignores it pointedly.

"Won't be easy." The host chuckles. "What's your type Mina?"

Mina looks at her hands shyly. "Playful, kind and should know how to make decisions."

"You're really close to your family right? Wouldn't that also be a criteria?" The host asks jokingly.

"Yes." Mina's voice is soft and warm as she looks at Chaeyoung who nods her head at her encouragingly to continue. "They should definitely get my parents' seal of approval."

Jeongyeon thinks Chaeyoung ticks all the box Mina has listed.

The host switches to the other girls for the same questions and when Nayeon turns comes and she offhandedly says she wants someone who can give her candies and not take it away from her, Jeongyeon smacks her arm with a playful grin.

Chaeyoung's mild irritation grows bigger.

After the radio show is done Momo wants to go to a restaurant.

"I'm not hungry." Chaeyoung declares throwing a frown at Nayeon and Jeongyeon's linked hands.

Mina loops her arm around Chaeyoung and sighs. "I'm really tired as well. I'll go home with you."

Jihyo snorts and whispers to Jeongyeon. "They can just say they want to spend some time alone together."

Jeongyeon forces a smile on her face. "I'm in the mood for some karaoke. Who wants to go with me?"

Momo lifts her hand excitedly.

Tzuyu scoffs. "You said you were hungry."

Momo's face crumples into an adorable confusion. "I forgot about that."

In the end it's decided Nayeon, Tzuyu, Jihyo and Momo would go to the restaurant and Jeongyeon, Sana and Dahyun would go to the karaoke.

They walk to the entrance quietly and wait for their rides to arrive. It's pretty cold outside and the girls huddle up together to keep warm.

Jeongyeon is the first to leave with Sana and Dahyun.

When the next cab comes and Nayeon is about to get into it along with the other girls a tug on her coat stops her.

"Nayeon-chan." Mina's smile is warm and her eyes are soft.

"Minaya." Nayeon returns a soft smile of her own.

Mina tucks a lock of hair behind her ears and pulls something out of her bag. "You forgot this."

Nayeon's eyes twinkle with glee and her lips quirk up in the brightest of smile as she glances at the bag of candies in Mina's hand.

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