Chapter 33

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Mina's belief that feelings destroyed all good things only strengthens when they're at a reality show the next day.

Chaeyoung is acting a little distant and it bothers her more than it should. She hates confrontations but the worry slowly starts to eat her from inside and she doesn't know what to do.

When they're separated into teams, Chaeyoung chooses to be in hers and that's not unusual because that's how it has always been. What's new is the younger girl sticks by Tzuyu's side the whole time. She doesn't spare glances at Mina and if their eyes meet accidentally she looks away immediately.

"Have I done something wrong?" She tugs on Chaeyoung's sleeves who has her reading glasses on. She's scketching, something she does when she wants to take her mind off things.

Chaeyoung lets out a sigh as she looks at Mina. Her beautiful Minari. A person so pure, so delicate and so so wonderful. A person who she knows for sure harbors feelings for her but refuses to act on it.

"You could never do anything wrong." She strokes the soft skin on the older girl's face with her thumb and watches her lean into the touch.

"It's just that you have been acting a little distant." Her voice cracks and Chaeyoung feels her heart clench painfully.

"You know how I get when I'm trying to write a song. I'm working on a new one." She lies, and Mina knows she's lying because Chaeyoung has the habit of avoiding her eyes when she is forced to do or say something out of character.

Mina nods and holds back the tears in her eyes. The one person she relies on, loves and adores is lying to her for some reason and she doesn't know why.

"I understand." Mina whispers because if she spoke any louder she is sure she'll cry.

Nayeon who watches the exchange from across the room feels another stabbing pain shoot through her heart. Because the pain she sees in Mina's eyes is something she can relate to. Something she has known and become familiar with. Something Mina shouldn't get used to.

Chaeyoung takes a double look at Nayeon because her voice is loaded with sarcasm and scorn.

They're alone in the studio at night. Nayeon is helping her write the new song.

I didn't know your value
until I lost you

Nayeon reads the lines Chaeyoung has scribbled across the paper. "Maybe you should start following the lyrics you write."

"What do you mean?" Chaeyoung enquires curiously wondering what she has done to receive a biting remark.

Nayeon shrugs. "Mina's birthday is in two days. Have you bought anything for her yet?"

Chaeyoung looks away guiltily. She's been so preoccupied with the song and certain troubling thoughts in her head, she's completely forgotten about the birthday.

"She doesn't deserve this Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung wants to ask what this is, because she's suddenly not sure if Nayeon is talking about the gift. Her tone is loaded and it unnerves the younger girl.

"I'll probably pick up the earrings she had her eyes on." Chaeyoung diverts her attention to the matter in hand and wonders as she continues, "Expensive jewelry is always a safe bet right?"

"Mina appreciates thoughtful gifts, not expensive gifts. If you really want to impress her, you need to show how much thought you've put into the gift."

Chaeyoung puts away the scribbling pad to her side and leans back on the chair.

"Okay love guru, what do you suggest?"

"I'm not coming in between you again. If you really like her, you'll have to make the effort."

And Chaeyoung tries, she really does. She demands all the band members if Mina has shown any interest in anything recently. She even calls her parents to see if she's said anything about what she'd like for her birthday. Nobody has a clue. Because Mina is not the type to ask for anything, she's the type to accept even the smallest of gifts whole heartedly.

"Stop annoying me." Tzuyu rolls her eyes at Chaeyoung. "Why don't you just ask her when she comes out of the shower?"

"How's that romantic?"

"Tzuyu has no idea about romance." Momo remarks earning a glare from Tzuyu.

"Tomorrow is her birthday and I still haven't bought anything yet." Chaeyoung whines petulantly. She's at the end of her wits, no matter how hard she tries she's unable to find that one perfect gift for the one perfect girl she's ever known.

"I bought a sweater for her." Jihyo takes a bite of her steak and turns the television in the living room on.

"I bought the earrings she longingly looked at." Dahyun states with a chuckle.

Chaeyoung is glad Nayeon stopped her from getting that.

"I got her a new soft toy. It's really big and she can cuddle with it when she gets sad or lonely." Sana exclaims and when six pair of eyes stare at her in confusion she adds, "Don't tell me you haven't noticed how sad she looks lately."

Nayeon knows exactly what Sana is talking about, so she isn't puzzled.

"What did you get her Jeongyeon?" Momo demands in her cheerful voice and Chaeyoung glimpses at the taller girl who's in a casual T-shirt and shorts and yet looks spectacular.

"A new game." Jeongyeon shrugs.

Chaeyoung's face falls. Why couldn't she come up with something like that which Mina would obviously appreciate?

"Oooh she'd love it. Tzuyu and I made her a photo album. With notes from her friends and family." Momo claps excitedly.

Chaeyoung slumps down on the couch. There's no way she is going to top all these thoughtful gifts.

"I don't think I'll ever get her to date me." She laughs sadly as she rolls around the gift in her hand.

It's a handmade glass sculpture of a penguin and it reminds her of Mina so she's bought it. Now sitting in her hand it feels like a lame gift.

Nayeon doesn't like the crestfallen look on the younger girl's face. Chaeyoung might think love is a long process but Nayeon knows she is already at the finishing line.

Sana's words echoes in her head Don't tell me you haven't noticed how sad she looks lately.

Nobody deserves to be sad on their birthdays and Chaeyoung deserves to have her happy ending.

So Nayeon offers the one thing she's saved for Mina to Chaeyoung.

"You'll make her the happiest, trust me." Nayeon sneezes into her arm and feels a little dizzy.

"Are you coming down with something? I told you you're going to catch a cold without the damn coat on." Chaeyoung chides.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it. Here, give this to her."

Chaeyoung looks hesitant, she's not sure how the gift in her hand is going to make Mina happy but she decides to trust the older girl and doesn't voice out her concern.

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