Chapter 21

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Chaeyoung kicks the curb and flinches when her foot connects with the hard stone.

She's tried approaching Mina in the morning hoping she had calmed down but the cool stare she fixes her with is enough to make her freeze in her track and she gives up trying to talk to the girl after that.

"Why would you keep the receipts?" She paces back and forth, making Nayeon even more dizzy.

Nayeon sighs. She knows she has fucked things up for Chaeyoung and hurt Mina as well. Her shoulders droop and she lets out a deep breath.

"It's like you went out of your way to sabotage what we have because you want people to be miserable like you."

The words punches her in the gut. Her throat constricts with pain. She lets Chaeyoung continue, because she knows she deserves this and worse.

"Chaeyoungah. Watch what you say!" Jeongyeon warns. Nayeon lays a hand on top of her as if to stop her.

"Oh brilliant. You both get your happy ending and I have to be lonely. I get it." She yells irrationally looking at their joined hands.

"Are you forgetting every single thing she has done for you?" Jeongyeon shrugs away Nayeon's hand and steps threateningly closer to Chaeyoung. "You dragged her into this mess. She didn't even wanted to be a part of your kdrama remember? She still saved your arse by telling Mina you had nothing to do with this."

"Saved me?" Chaeyoung laughs dryly. "Mina isn't even talking to me anymore. Just as things were beginning to get okay between us. She ruined my chance at true love."

Jeongyeon shoves her with a hand to her chest. "You're so obsessed with the idea of being in love Chaeyoungah. You've created this whole fairytale scenario in your head with Mina that you'd be too blind to see even if true love is right in front of you."

Chaeyoung shoves her back. "Oh I can see clearly. I see someone I considered my bestfriend suddenly taking her lover's side."

Jeongyeon wants to slap the stupid out of Chaeyoung but she knows she has had her heart broken twice in the span of three days and that's why she's acting out of character.

"I hate you so much right now." Chaeyoung sobs staring at Nayeon.

Nayeon nods her head like she deserves nothing less.

Jihyo is exhausted when they take part in the activities for the day. They go jet skiing and record themselves doing it. They're laughing and giggling, but she's tired of pretending things are okay when it's clearly not.

They play a game of mafia at the beach afterwards and when Chaeyoung points at Nayeon and tells she's the mafia because she is dangerous and likes to destroy things, all with a smile on her face like she's joking, Nayeon takes it quietly with a smile plastered across her face for the camera's benefit. She doesn't even bother defending herself. Mina doesn't say much throughout the shoot, nodding her head and pointing fingers randomly when she's asked who she thinks is the mafia.

Jihyo knows the three people she cares about a lot are hurting but she doesn't know what to do about it.

Sana sees the gloomy look on her face and squeezes her hand gently. Jihyo manages another fake smile at the camera.

Mina stares at the ocean as the gentle breeze of the night caresses her face. There's a fury in the waves, it's chaotic and reflects the state of her mind.

"You know we come to places that reminds us of someone we want to feel closer to." Sana looks around at the spot Chaeyoung and Mina had their dinner not so long ag0.

Mina doesn't reply. They stand in companionable silence for a while.

"You miss her, don't you?" She sits on the sand and pulls Mina gently beside her who shows absolutely no resistance. "I get it you're mad at Chaeyoung, you feel like you've been lied to, you feel like they schemed behind your back. But think about this using your head and not your heart for a second."

Mina still doesn't say anything but she doesn't stop her either. Sana takes that as a cue to continue.

"When Chaeyoung said she'll help Nayeon ask Jeongyeon out, we were there. We all thought it was cute how she's willing to help Nayeon."

Mina looks up at the sky. The clouds begin to clear overhead and the moon peeks out from behind them.

"How's it fair of us to think it's cute when she offers to help Nayeon but it's suddenly wrong when she gets help to profess how she feels about you?"

Mina knows she's reacted too strongly and maybe Sana is right and Chaeyoung doesn't deserve the treatment she's giving her.

She feels like her heart and mind are at a constant battle between themselves. A part of her wants to forgive and move on but another part of her is yelling at her for being a fool. She's always been indecisive and for once she wishes someone else could make the decision for her.

She turns to Sana and looks at her pleadingly. "I don't know what to do. Tell me what to do."

"I can't make the decision for you. But don't let your emotions cloud your judgement."

So she follows the advice next day.

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