Dawson and the Flaversham Siblings

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This is not Olivia's, Andrew's, and Clover's first time dealing with dangerous situations, especially when they're alone. Olivia's eight, Andrew's thirteen, and Clover's eighteen.

Chapter 2: Dawson and the Flaversham Siblings

Outside the Flaversham's Toyshop, it was raining heavily. The three siblings looked and looked, but there was no sign of Baker Street anywhere that they could see.

"Aww, no luck!" Andrew complained.

Then something caught Clover's eye. "A boot!"

"Good thinking, Clover!" Andrew sighed with relief.

"I'm tired of walking," Olivia said and the trio walked inside the giant boot.

When they got in, Olivia spotted a newspaper article and grabbed it. Then she sat on a liver pills box with her older siblings. They each got a turn to read the article.

"Great job, Olivia," Andrew said.

"Andrew. Clover. I have a feeling we won't see Daddy again because we searched and searched." Then Olivia sobbed in her sister's arms.

"Oh, Olivia," Clover sympathized, "I'm sure we'll find him somehow."

Andrew hugged Olivia.

While Clover and Andrew were busy consoling Olivia, none of the them heard another mouse say, "Oh, my." The same elderly mouse who uttered these words wore a dark brown coat, bowler hat, which was the same color as his coat, dark grey shoes, lavender trousers, and was carrying an umbrella. "Are you alright, my dears?"

The three mice turned their heads to the elderly mouse, worried he'll hurt them in some way.

"Come, come, come, here, here. Dry your eyes," he told the sisters and brother, offering them each a tissue.

Olivia, Andrew, and Clover blew their noses and returned their tissues back to the old man. "Now, that's better. So, tell me, what's troubling you, my dears?"

Olivia sniffled. "We're...we're lost and we're trying to find Basil of Baker Street." With that, she pulled out an article from her coat pocket and handed it to the gentleman.

"Well, let me see here," the old man said, putting on his reading glasses and began to read, "Famous Detective Solves Baffling Disappearance."

"But where are your mother and father?" the elderly mouse continued.

"T-that's why we m-must find Basil!" Olivia wept.

"There, there, there! Now, now, now!" he said, trying to calm her, "I don't know any Basil."

Olivia looked up at him with her puppy eyes. Clover wrapped an arm around Andrew and stared at him as if to say, "We need help." This caught the doctor's attention and he smiled saying, "But I do remember where Baker Street is."

Olivia's, Andrew's, and Clover's eyes lit up and they hopped off the empty liver pills box. "Now come with me," he urged. "We'll find this Basil chap together." And the three followed him. On the way, each sibling told them about their kidnapped father and how he became missing in the first place.

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