Basil of Baker Street

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I was going to have this chapter included in the previous chapter, but that's too long. I decided to go with one chapter at a time and meet one person at a time.

Chapter 3: Basil of Baker Street

When Dawson, Olivia, Andrew, and Clover arrived at Basil's home at 2 ½ Baker Street, Dawson knocked on the door. The siblings smiled up at Dawson, grateful for him being there in their time of need. Someone in the house answered the door and they turned their attention to the landlady who opened it.

"Good evening, Ma'am," Dawson greeted as he tipped his hat, "Is this the residence of Basil of Baker Street?"

"I'm afraid it is," the housekeeper answered, "He's not here at the moment, but..." Then she smiled warmly at the newcomers. "You're welcome to come in and wait."

"Well, I...I don't want to impose," Dawson said. "It's just the girls and boy..." Dawson turned to see that the siblings were no longer with him.

Olivia looked into a magnifying glass with curiosity. Andrew and Clover united with her.

"Oh, my!" Mrs. Judson said as she set a box of books and other things in Dawson's arms to run over to them. "You poor dears! You must be chilled to the bone!" She took their hats to twist them to get the water out and grinned. "Oh, but I know just the thing: Let me fetch you a pot of tea and some of my fresh cheese crumpets!" She also took their scarves to get them warmed up as well as their hats. They were touched by the housekeeper's generosity as they watched her go, so she could make them tea and cheese crumpets.

Then, Olivia, Andrew, and Clover saw amazing things in Basil's lab: a chemistry set, steam coming out of a fan, and shoes leaving footprints on paper.

Dawson hung his coat and bowler hat, revealing a lavender jacket, which was the same color as his trousers, red vest, and a white shirt when a voice shouted, "Aha! The villain's slipped this time!" Then the same figure who spoke swung open the front door and shouted, "I shall have him!" Lightning struck in the background as the figure showed himself. It was an overweight white chinese mouse with a red and black gown and hat. Dawson cowered at the sight.

"Out of my way! Out of my way!" the chinese mouse yelled rudely as he threw his hat in Dawson's direction without looking.

"I say!" Dawson said, offended and suddenly a hat fell on his head. The doctor pulled it off his head as if it were glued to his head. "Who are you?"

"What? Who?" the chinese mouse asked as he took off his head, revealing to be a handsome mouse the same color as the rest of the mice in the house. "Basil of Baker Street, my good fellow," the gentlemen said, smiling warmly with a bow. With that said, he deflated his costume with a cord, revealing his skinny self with black and white spats, grey pants, brown vest, white shirt, and a green necktie.

Olivia, Andrew, and Clover took off their coats and Olivia exclaimed, "Mr. Basil! We need your help and-"

"All in good time!" Basil said, not quite hearing what the young mouse said as he pulled out the dart, where his magenta robe stayed and put it on.

"But you don't understand!" Olivia said, but Basil threw the dart back on the target. "I'm in terrible trouble."

"If you'll excuse me," Basil said, ignoring their pleas.

Olivia sighed as she and her siblings were brushed off.

"Come on, sir," Andrew said, "We need your help more than anything.

"This is serious," Clover told him.

Dawson, however, wasn't having any of Basil's unapproachable behavior, so he shook his finger at him. "Now, see here!" Only to see Basil running past him. "These young ladies and young man are in need of assistance," Dawson said in a no-nonsense tone, "I think you ought to listen-"

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