Trapper Mystery P2: Uncovered Targets!

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 Chapter 25: Trapper Mystery P2: Uncovered Targets!

Fidget was a big help, finding a clue on who possibly surrounded him by traps. Toby sniffed for footprints from who could be their right targets. Picking up the scent, he howled and sprinted. This time during the ride, Dawson held on tight to Basil. Clover, Eve, Flappy, Fidget, Andrew, Olivia, and Hiram held onto each other.

"Yay, ride!" Flappy exclaimed.

"It's fun, isn't it?" Eve asked and looked at Fidget, who smiled nervously.

"Yeah, fun," Fidget replied coyly.

"You'll get the hang of it," Eve assured him.

"It's okay, Fidget," Andrew said.

"We're right here for you," said Olivia.

"And anyone who is a friend of Eve is a friend of mine," Clover declared.

"But we all know who's not our friend," Eve said.

Knowing who she was implying, the Flavershams and Fidget shouted in unison, "Ratigan!"

"That's right," said Eve, who nodded.

"And rightfully so!" Basil added.

"For he is a wanted criminal Basil was after for many years," Dawson said.

"He threatened me and my children," Hiram chimed in, "He even kidnapped them. Shame on him, but he had it coming."

"His criminal deeds were what led him to his demise," Basil agreed.

Just then, Toby came to a halt near the sewer grate, which was the entrance to Ratigan's lair. So, they hopped off him. Although Fidget was unable to fly, he managed to jump down onto the cobblestone ground. Toby stayed on guard and wished the mice and bats luck on finding the suspects, who pointed the traps at the poor peg legged bat.

Fidget opened the grate, which led down to the sewer and he and the others climbed down. Eve and her boyfriend led their friends to the scene of the crime. While the companions examined the scene, three thugs were hiding and fled.

Eve gasped. "Basil, did you hear that?"

"Yes, I sure did, Eve," Basil replied.

"It sounded like a 'whoosh!'" Fidget said, imitating sounds of speeding.

Basil nodded. "It certainly did, Fidget," he said, "You two have good ears."

"So does Flappy," Eve added.

Basil put his hand on his hat absentmindedly. How could he forget a bat child? "Oh, I forgot about him."

"Never mind that, Basil!" Dawson said urgently, "We've got to catch them."

Basil's eyes widened at his partner's warning. "You're right, Dawson! Let's go as soon as possible!" He dashed to the criminals with Dawson, Fidget, Eve, and so many others catching up to him. Spotting the enemies, Basil, Fidget, and Eve lunged at them, successfully pinning them down.

"Let go!" a mouse named Snakes shouted. He was the one with purple clothes.

"Why are you doing this?" Bill the lizard asked.

"Who do you think you are?" Red demanded. He was the one wearing an orange sweater, a brown bowler hat with an orange band, and smoked a lot.

"We want to know if you set the traps against Fidget, while he was imprisoned in the bottle," Basil replied.

"So, did you or did you NOT set traps against me?" Fidget demanded.

"No," Bill lied.

"Tell the truth!" Fidget snapped.

"We saw your uniforms Fidget stole from the toy shop, lying behind the curtains where the fake queen was addressing her speech," Eve said, "So what do you have to say for yourself?"

"Alright," Snakes said, giving in, "We did that to get even with Fidget for leaving us at Buckingham Palace, while we were arrested."

"But you were never there for Fidget whenever he was abused by Ratigan!" Eve snapped, "Were you afraid to stand up for Fidget? I protected him myself when you wouldn't! Plus, when you and Ratigan humiliated Basil for his failures, Clover and I defended Basil!"

"Because that's what friends are for," Clover chimed in. "You also took Andrew and Olivia away from me and Eve! How could you do this? Have you no shame in taking family members from people?"

Eve smiled at her, touched by her words.

Bill, Red, and Snakes cringed, sensing each hero's anger. Seeing the thugs feeling humiliated and afraid satisfied Basil, Eve, Fidget, Flappy, and the Flaversham family. Basil and Fidget because they were bullied by them. Clover and Eve because the gang took Andrew and Olivia from them. Hiram, Andrew, and Olivia because the thugs acted rough with them. Flappy because even though he'd barely seen Ratigan's gang up close until now, he didn't tolerate anyone messing with his older sister.

After seeing the downfall of Ratigan's minions, Basil, Eve, and Fidget released them.

The detective caught a glimpse of jewels Ratigan had stolen from the queen years ago. "You can start by returning these jewels that are rightfully the queen's," Basil said.

"Ratigan stole them," Red told him.

"Not us," Bill and Snakes added in unison, shaking their heads.

"True, but bringing them back to the queen is your punishment for your misdeeds to reflect on what you've done to me and my friends."

In defeat, Red, Snakes, and Bill didn't argue, but they went to grab a few sacks to put the jewels in.

"What should we do now, Basil?" Eve asked.

"Well, since we solved the mystery, we can leave," Basil said.

Fidget yawned.

Hearing this, Basil told him, "Good work today, Fidget. We couldn't have done this without you and Eve. You worked hard enough for a well-deserved rest."

Eve scooped up Fidget in her arms and they left the sewer with their friends, while Snakes, Red, and Bill carried the jewels to Buckingham Palace like sacks of potatoes.

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