Toyshop/Another Kidnapping

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I just decided to include the scene where Olivia, Dawson, and Basil ride on Toby along with Andrew and Clover in the last chapter because it'd be too short to do it separately.

Chapter 7: Toyshop/Another Kidnapping

After Eve laughed when Basil was shushed at, she left Sherlock's flat and went to find her boyfriend, Fidget.


As Fidget was in the toy store snatching tools, gears, and uniforms from toy soldiers that Ratigan wanted him to get off the list, he grunted as he shoved the items into his sack.

Fidget pulled out the list Ratigan gave me. "Get the following," He read as he used his pencil to check out the items I've got from the list. "Tools, check. I've got tools. Gears, double check. I've got gears. Girl. No, I didn't get girl." He erased the checkmark he put next to the word "girl". "Uniforms," Fidget continued with a chuckle, "I got plenty uniforms!"

Eve panted when she made it to the toy shop. "I'm sorry, Fidget for holding you up," she apologized.

"No, biggy," Fidget replied, "I have other things to worry about, anyway."

His relief was short-lived when he heard a dog hollowing, knowing he'd been caught. "Oh, no!" the bat cried out in a panic, "I gotta hide! Ooh, I gotta hide!" He packed up the stolen items in a bag and took off running in a panic as the dog continued hollowing. All of a sudden, the list flew away from Fidget and dropped to the floor. Eve followed him.


Toby reached the toyshop that he'd discovered. He let Basil hop off his snout onto the window sill. "Splendid job, Toby!" Basil praised the dog.

Olivia trotted down to Toby's snout and held out her arms innocently, waiting for Basil to catch her.

Basil rolled his eyes at this, but held out his arms for her, anyway. Olivia hopped off Toby's nose and fell into Basil's arms. The detective gave her a worried look before giving her a stern one and set her down on the window sill. He nudged her as if to say "go on".

Clover was on Toby's nose, waiting for Basil to catch her, but he gave her a "you, too?" look. Then, he realized he didn't want a young lady hurt, so he reached out to her and he caught her.

Andrew opened his arms for Clover and the older sister did the same. Andrew landed safely in her arms. Toby growled at Dawson once more before Dawson tipped his hat and Toby huffed, making Dawson roll over on the window sill in Basil's direction.

Basil looked at him with concern before turning to Toby. "Now, Toby, sit!" he commanded.

Toby just stood there, smiling when Basil stomped over to him. "Toby, SIT!"

"Sit, Toby!" Olivia commanded politely.

Much to Basil's surprise, he obeyed her. Clover and Andrew felt a gleam of satisfaction over Olivia's politeness.

"Good boy," Basil said, on the stuffy side.

"She's being polite," Clover told him.

"Get over yourself, okay?" Andrew said.

"If you would excuse me," he said, walking past the girls and boy, who turned around to the detective.

Then they turned back to the dog. "You be good now," Olivia said and looked over her shoulder at the two men. "We're going to find our father!"

"And we're not giving up," Clover added.

"Exactly," Andrew said.

Basil hummed to himself in a thinking pose and when he saw a glass door, that gave him an idea. "Aha!" he said, "Here is our friend's entrance!"

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