Flashbacks and Discovering the List

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Chapter 10: Flashbacks and Discovering the List

"What happened?" Mrs. Judson asked when the two gentlemen returned to Baker Street.

"Olivia and Andrew were kidnapped by Fidget," Basil replied.

"What about Clover?"

"She's with her friend, Eve, who will help her get her family back," Dawson told the housekeeper.

"If anything happens to Clover and Eve, it's my fault," Basil lamented.

"Come now, Basil, Clover and Eve can take care of themselves," Dawson said, putting his hand on the young detective's shoulder, "They've been through worse situations."

Basil, feeling guilty for being mean to Clover and Eve, went to his room and started to sing a song about Clover, whom he started to have feelings for.

And in my twisted face,

There's not the slightest trace

Of anything that even hints of kindness.

He covered his face in shame, wishing he could take back all the things he said to his new friends.

And from my tortured shape

No comfort, no escape.

I see, but deep within is utter blindness.

He fell to his knees.


As my dream dies.

As the time flies,

Love a lost illusion.



Cold and driven,

To this sad conclusion.

The detective sighed.

No beauty could move me.

No goodness improve me.

No power on earth, if I can't love her.

No passion could reach me.

No lesson could teach me.

How I could have loved her and made her love me too.

If I can't love her, then who?

Basil stood up and paced around the room.

Long ago I should have seen

All the things I could have been.

Careless and unthinking, I moved onward!

Basil remembered how he was ungrateful to others, including his parents. The detective could've been giving, but took everything for granted, since he was spoiled, although he had everything he wanted. Now he wished he could appreciate what others do for him and be nicer to others. He looked out his window to see a happy couple walk by his house, reminding him of what he could do if he had Clover.

No pain could be deeper.

No life could be cheaper.

No point anymore, if I can't love her.

No spirit could win me.

No hope left within me.

Hope I could have loved her and that she'd set me free.

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