News About the Case

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Chapter 26: News About the Case

"Mother! Father! We're home!" Eve shouted as she opened the door.

"Eve!" Shade exclaimed happily.

"Flappy, my baby!" Luna cried, seeing her son with them.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Flappy said as he leapt into his parents' arms.

"Sweetie, you're alright!" said Luna as she hugged him.

"Sorry for taking too long than I expected," Eve apologized, "We found ourselves in a case that needed solving, but we figured out who set those traps against Fidget when he was inside the bottle."

"Who?" Shade and Luna asked.

"Bill, Red, and Snakes."

"Eve, I've always admired your bravery," Shade said, "You took great care of Flappy and found your friend."

Fidget smiled shyly as he waved, knowing who Shade was referring to. "Yep, that's me."

"He helped us out in the case by pointing out clues to the queen and she announced them to us," Basil said.

Eve's parents gave Fidget a skeptical look, remembering what Eve informed them, but their daughter assured them, "It's true."

Fidget placed his hands behind his back.

"He fought the bad guys!" Flappy added, admiring Fidget's wits.

"In that case, we must thank you for helping your friends solve the case," Luna told Fidget.

"Please, I wish you wouldn't," Fidget replied humbly, "I doubt I did anything worth your kindness."

"Basil, Eve, and Flappy told me your wits to find vital clues and tracked down those who trapped you before," Shade told him, "You think that is nothing? It seems you do not know what is worthy of kindness."

Stunned, Fidget knew Eve's father was right. Fidget didn't have the luxury of kindness from others when working for Ratigan and he felt guilty. Soon, the peg legged bat would learn kindness and gratitude, thanks to Shade and the others. Exhausted, Fidget yawned.

"Long day, Fidget?" Luna asked.

"Yeah," Fidget said sleepily.

Eve hoisted Fidget up as if he were a baby in her arms and brought him to bed. Then, she tucked him in when she heard her little brother's voice calling, "Eve!"

Eve put her finger to her lips to silence him. "Shh..."

"Sorry," Flappy said, lowering his ears in shame, "May I sleep with you?"

"Oh, of course, you can, buddy," Eve answered.

Flappy crawled into bed with her and Fidget, who was already asleep.

The Flavershams, Basil, and Dawson, finding the hour was late, decided to spend the night with the bat family.


That evening, Fidget had a dream that he and Eve were tied to a trap by Ratigan, who bored them to death with his lectures. Unlike Basil, Fidget didn't fall into a depression, instead, he fell asleep. Eve couldn't help but smirk at the rat for she had found his weakness: Fidget could no longer stand him.

"What do you say, Eve?" Ratigan asked.

"Fidget's tired of you," Eve said, grinning.

Ratigan towered over her with his head. "What was that?"

"You heard me," Eve sneered back and spat in his face, causing him to back away and cover his face.

"I hope you and your boyfriend enjoy yourselves," Ratigan snarled and walked away.

Now that the love bats were alone, Eve kissed Fidget on the cheek to wake him up. Fidget slowly opened his eyes to see his beautiful girlfriend lying next to him. "Eve," Fidget spoke.

All of a sudden, Basil and Clover Flaversham were on their way to save the two bats. Seeing the mice, Eve gasped in relief, "Basil! Clover!"

"Looks like you're all tied up, aren't you?" Basil said.

"Oh, you have no idea," Fidget said with a smile.

"Clover, Dawson, and I have been through the same situation as you," Basil corrected.

"But we're here now," Clover said, "Let's get you untied." With that, she withdrew her knife to start cutting the ropes.

"It's okay, Fidget," Eve said gently, "She's cutting the ropes, not us. She's our friend."

"That I am," Clover said as she continued cutting the rope until the bats were free.

"Thanks, Basil and Clover," Eve said gratefully.

"It was our pleasure," Basil said, looking at Clover.

"We couldn't have done this without you guys," Fidget said, hugging them and started to yawn.

"Oh, goodness, Basil, would you look at the time?" Clover gasped in concern for Fidget, who was getting sleepy.

Basil looked at his watch. "Oh, drat! You're right, Clover!" Turning to Eve, he said, "Eve, take Fidget home. Clover and I will arrest Ratigan."

As Eve flew Fidget home, Basil and Clover successfully arrested Ratigan, putting him in handcuffs.


When the dream ended, Fidget woke up just a moment to check his surroundings. There was no rat and he and his friends certainly weren't tied to a trap. Seeing nothing but a bedroom, lying beside Eve and Flappy, he drifted back into a slumber.

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