There for Each Other

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Final chapter! Isn't that exciting? Not to worry, you'll see my OCs again. Anyway, enjoy the last chapter.

Chapter 30: There for Each Other

"So, what made you decide to solve mysteries, Clover?" Stella asked Clover the next morning when they were having coffee.

"Well, I wanted to get out of the house every now and then," Clover answered, "And over a month ago, my father was kidnapped by Fidget, Eve's boyfriend."

Stella gasped hearing of her friend's kidnapping.

"But with the help of Dr. Dawson, we went to Baker Street to get help from Basil," Clover continued, "Basil was difficult to get along with, but he helped us find our father and got rid of Ratigan." Then she told her of her older siblings getting captured by Fidget, but Eve helped Clover get them back and Fidget threatened to throw Clover and her siblings overboard, which angered Eve, so she broke up with him.

"This bat you were speaking of was a monster," Stella said.

"But later, he became friends with Eve again and he earned our trust," Clover assured her, "Later, we found out who surrounded Fidget with traps while he was imprisoned in a bottle. It was Red, Snakes, and Bill. However, they changed their ways and befriended Fidget and Eve again." Clover also described that Red, Snakes, and Bill were once friends with Eve and Fidget and the only one who defended Fidget when the trio couldn't, was Eve.

"I know Eve," Stella told her, "She's a nice bat and it's nice that Fidget earned her trust as well as the rest of you."

"He likes her brother, Flappy."

"Flappy's a sweetheart."

"He's full of life. Even Andrew and Olivia like him."

"Olivia and Andrew are good to him. Do you still hang out with Eve?"

Clover smiled and chuckled. "Of course, I do. We're there for each other."

Stella winked at her. "As I am for you and your family. It breaks my heart to see bats, rats, lizards, and other non-mice cast aside from the society of mice."

"But Basil changed the law and so did the queen so we can live in peace."

"Good thing they did because not even I could stand that silly law. Not only is it silly, it's immoral, wrong, and racist. Non-mice deserve to be included in society."

"Eve and I convinced him to change the law and it worked. Thanks to him and the queen, the law began to die down, although there are still some closed-minded folks, who think non-mice should be among their own kind."

"Who cares what they think?" Stella said.

"Exactly. All that matters is we're open-minded and let them be part of our world, so we can be friends."

"That's right."

"Oh, Stella, if only I told you everything Andrew, Olivia, and I have been through sooner..."

When Clover couldn't find the words, Stella said, "It's alright, Clover. You told me now and that's all it matters." Then the two ladies hugged each other.

Hiram, Andrew, and Olivia witnessed the friendly scene.

"Stella, would you like to visit our friends?" Clover asked.

"Yes, I'd like that very much," Stella replied.


Clover, Hiram, Andrew, and Olivia brought Stella over to see Eve and her bat family along with Fidget who'd been staying with them.

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