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"So Jade what's your major? I'm a professor at Green dale's university I teach theater arts. So we'll be seeing each other a lot on campus." The pregnant woman voiced out. She seemed rather uncomfortable as she attempted to break the awkward silence at the table while we ate. I took a sip of water from my glass as I glanced at her she was gorgeous and her son looked a lot like her too. Her hair stopped a little over her breasts with a few waves. It was black and shiny whilst her lips were thin and red which complimented her high cheek bones. Without the baby bump she's mostly skin and bones. She looked about 5'6 and she had an accent that I haven't quite figured out yet.

"I've never seen someone your age pregnant." I said dryly which caused Jonas to choke on his food. I smirked mentally as my aim is to dismantle his 'perfect little family.'

"WHAT!" I groaned out loudly at the loud thuds coming from outside my door before burying my pillow over my head. "You have school in less than 10 minutes your ride leaves in 2 if you need one!" I quickly shot my head up glaring at the door which the voice came from. 'Bitch.' I mumbled under my breath before sitting at the edge of my bed. Trying to familiarize myself with the harshness of reality. I quickly scanned my room for an outfit to wear the white curtains that clothed my open windows that I had completely forgotten to shut last night. Gave way to the harsh morning wind I'm starting to realize that Green dale is a very chilly place. I quickly grabbed my grey sweater from the white chair that hanged in the center of my room's ceiling. Before making a run to my closet and grabbing a pair of dark blue jeans. After pulling the jeans up I did a triple spin as I examined my room to see if I was leaving anything.

"Crap!" I exclaimed as I dragged the sweater over my head and fixed my hair. I literally just moved in yesterday and my room was already a mess. "Honkkk!" I quickly snapped out of my thought as I hard the loud honking of a car. I quickly ran down the stairs skipping a few steps here and there until I was out the door. "You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed as I made my way towards the car.

"I've got to do some work at the diner but Daisy will take you to school." Jonas said as he opened the passenger side of the door for me to get in the car. My eyes glanced from Jonas's face to the empty passenger seat as my face screamed.

'Are you serious?'

"You're going to be late if you stand here any longer." Jonas said in a knowing tone. I quickly hopped in the car and buckled my seat belt. The ride to school was surprisingly quite it seems the 'pregnant woman' isn't as bad after all. And I was being a bitter child by hating her because my dad chose to be a better man for her instead of me.

"Ok we're here." Daisy said as I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed my book bag from between my legs. "We'll meet back here at 4 if there's anything you need..." Daisy continued but was cut off because I slammed the car door shut and walked away in the opposite direction.

What? Just because she's nice does not mean I have to like her.

I quickly grabbed my class schedule from my book bag as I looked around this strange place trying to find my way around. This was nothing like Montgomery college this place was way more prestige and was 4 times as huge as MC.

'I bet the kids here like to get wild.' I thought as I glanced around at the brick walled buildings that mimicked skyscrapers.

"Just looking at these makes me dizzy." I said out loud shaking my head before I heard a masculine chuckle from behind me. I turned around almost immediately and came face to face to a beast.

'Holy shit'

I thought as I glanced up at the stranger before me bitting my lips.

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