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I smiled coyly as I lightly traced my fingers along Liam's bare chest. He always looked so peaceful while he slept. I guess you could say we were better off than we were couple months ago when he had first came to see me at the diner. I slowly got out of Liam's bed as I made my way around his room searching for the half bottle of booze.

'We just got lucky!' I mentally chirped as I spotted the booze next to the bag of weed which was also next to the bag of white substance. I quickly grabbed the bag of white substance and went inside Liam's bathroom. The first snort made my nose burn almost like I wanted to sneeze.

'That's what you get for being clean for so long.'

I thought before I continued the process soon the burning sensation was gone and my body was completely numb. I laughed hysterically as I saw my reflection in the mirror before clasping my hands over my mouth almost immediately.

'Liam gets cranky whenever he gets interrupted from his beauty sleep.' And I couldn't help but to chuckle loudly at the thought.

I quickly grabbed the half bottle of booze and gulped the entire bottle down while laying across the bathroom floor. My eyes were dark and clouded with bags and my head felt like I'd been spinning. While my stomach felt like there was a fish inside trying out for a gymnastics team. I hurriedly crawled over to the toilet puking my guts out.

I always hated this part of mixing drugs and alcohol now if I'm not quiet enough I'm going to wake Liam. And he's going to be a party pooper Liam doesn't do drugs he has this policy called 'can't get high off your own supply'. He sells it but he never tries it he's my supplier or at least one of my suppliers. See, he's devoted to selling drugs to everyone but me. I'm only allowed to buy once a week.

I know, that's a total drag.

Which is why I have my other suppliers on speed dial but I think Liam's trying to monitor my fix. I told you he's really a sweetheart underneath his devilish ways.

"Great!" I semi yelled as I held up the clear bag that was now empty.

I quickly rose to my feet as I made my way towards the facet to rinse my mouth out and splash the cold water on my face before going back to bed next to Liam.

Who was still sleeping like a baby might I add?

I tried going back to sleep but all I could think about was how badly I needed another fix.

"Jade stop moving so much." Liam groaned out in his sleepy voice.

'Fuck you.' I thought before turning my back to him. I was irritated and my skin itched and it also didn't help that I was shivering. Not the cold shivers either and that's when I realized that I haven't thought about Morty much since I left Heaven dale. But being back here staying at Liam's made me scared. I know it's just my mind being a 'bitch' because the drug was finished but I couldn't shake the feeling.

I was so consumed by my fears that I hadn't realized Liam had waken up. "What's wrong?" He asked supporting his body up with his elbow and pinching his eyes. 'I think he's trying to rid himself of the sleep.' I thought before mentally shrugging. Either way I wish I had recorded it because if I didn't feel like I was about to have a mini panic attack. I'd jump his bones again!

"I can't sleep Liam I feel weird being back here." I whispered truthfully. For me my favorite part about getting high was the vulnerability and the truth that came with it. I was my softest whenever I was like this and Liam knew which was why he vowed to never allow me to be alone during these times. He sighed deeply before roughly removing his hair from his face I hated whenever he looked so conflicted. Even though I was the one with the issues I just wanted to kiss his away and as if he was reading my mind. He slowly pulled me into a bear hug one that I didn't know I needed until now. Before sweetly pecking my forehead and rubbing my earlobes with his fingertips. His usually cold blue eyes were now soft and calm though you could see the hint of devil in them it was obvious that in thus moment he was content and I couldn't help but to bask into this intimacy between us, I loved love, I loved our love. Unfortunately, for us this moment was short lived cause Liam's phone started going off the hook.

I always felt like I had to compete for his attention like we couldn't be happy without interruptions. I guess that's what I get for falling for a guy that was supposedly already spoken for.

"And that's my cue." I said before getting out of bed and grabbing my stuff. I could've sworn I heard Liam mumble something under his breath but I knew better than to ask cause he wouldn't repeat it. "Look I'll call you tomorrow, I just need to take care of a few stuff." Liam whispered we were now currently seated in his jeep which was parked outside my house. Just a hour ago we were laid up comforting each other and nothing else seemed to matter in this world. I hated how one phone call would always ruin the moments we shared. "You promise?" I whimpered. He was my happy place and he was now seconds away from leaving. And even though he said he'd call me tomorrow I know he wouldn't. He never does.

" I promise." Liam stated before pulling me into another hug but this was different. Another emotion swirled around the hug this time and I couldn't put my mind on what it was. 'I'll figure it out later' I thought before I allowed myself to melt within his embrace. " I love you Liam." I whispered softly before kissing his ears and heading inside.

I decided against waiting to hear whether or not he was going to say it back. Cause truth be told I honestly did not think my heart would be able to take it had he remained quiet after my statement.



I think I'm lowkey team.....

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