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"I'm sorry I have to go." I said before running away in the opposite direction as the tears came pouring down my cheeks.

All this time I've been screwing around with James to forget about Liam. What have I done? How could I have been so careless? I hated the guilt that swirled around me. I loved Liam with every fiber of my being but had I know he actually felt the same way about me. Things might've been different, they had to be. All I had to do was be patient and wait for him. Love's a twisted thing wouldn't you say ? It's like your expected to give your all and nothing but your all. However, it's never a guarantee fact that you'll be loved the way you love. They often tell us never to settle and never to wait for anyone to love you. But what if waiting was the secret to love all this time ? What if it's imperative for us to wait for the ones who we love, for the ones who we want to love us back. My heart was shattered, I ruined everything and my life was slowly falling apart. I help but to think that I should've waited.

Oh Liam, where are you? I mentally asked.

I hated being back in Heaven dale the thought of Morty seeing me and taking me back made me sick to my stomach. But I couldn't just go back to Green dale and do nothing Liam needed me. "Liam!" I called out as I made my way to Chester's home. Chester was Liam's oldest friend they were also business partners they knew each other inside out. So if anyone should know where Liam was it'd be Chester, it's always Chester. They've been friends since high school they were inseparable then and they were inseparable now. They needed each other almost like the sun needed the rain every once in awhile.

"Liam I know you're in here!" I screamed louder this time the anger and hurt was evident in my voice.

"Well if it isn't little Jade." Chester teased before placing a mischievous smirk on his face. Which he knows completely creeps me out but he does it anyway. "Stop drooling Chester you know I'm off limits." I said before stealing glances through the glass window. "Why didn't you come through the front door?" I asked Chester who was completely unbothered as he lit a cigarette while leaning on the side of his porch.

"If I remember correctly selling you drugs was off limits yet I still did." Chester said responding to my previous statement. He wasn't entirely wrong though it was a stupid order Liam gave out to all the local dealers in Heaven dale. And he would go ballistic if he found out they went against his wishes.

Which let's me know that he really wasn't here.


"Want some?" Chester asked as he pulled the cigarette from his lips blowing the smoke in the air.

Chester was a fairly handsome guy, ok not fairly he was stupidly handsome. But he was more of a brother to me than a potential 'bae.' He stood about 6'7 same as Liam. His hair was extremely low and blonde. His nose was pointed which complimented his stud nose ring perfectly. He had a lot of tattoos on his biceps and lower arms. The slight line that went through his eyebrow and the heavy stubble which he wore made him look even more attractive and dangerous. Chester was a lot like Liam in some cases but a bit more extreme. Overall it's safe to say he practically invented the term trouble.

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