Chapter 11

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As soon as I get home I rush to my room to find my phone. As soon as I grab it I groan when I realize it's dead. I put it on charge before grabbing my cigarettes and lighting one quickly. I had never had an attachment to my phone. It just made me sad when I see I have no contacts.

As I impatiently wait for it to charge I grab what I call my Law laptop and check to see if I have any emails for any jobs. I was legally known as basically an investigator hacker. I got hired by private parties to help check out their computers, internet, and anything that could either get them in trouble or cause trouble. The best part of the job was that I could do it all at home with just this laptop and a thousand labeled flash drives.

I had no new 'legal' jobs so I switch over to my other laptop. That was heavily guarded. It was hack proof. I had a side business. I hacked people, for people. An anonymous person will contact me and hire me for a specific job. I simply say yes or no depending on how involved it is. I've stolen money and do other small things like that. I don't ruin lives.

I don't have any jobs there either and sigh feeling anxiety creep slowly down my spine. I shake very slightly as I grab my phone and see it finally turned back on and is on 10 percent. I unlock it and quickly check my messages. Seeing the icon say 7 unread messages.

I almost gasp excitedly as I've never had that many texts messages. I open up the group chat and read the sent messages.

Unknown Number: It's Mattie!!!

Unknown Number: Ced. Save our digits and text when you get home

I immediately save their numbers and also save the other number in the chat as Dean. Then I continue to read the messages.

Mattie🐯: You're still not home?!?!

There's a 15 minute gap before his next message.

Mattie🐯: Come on, Ceddy left me all alone and I'm bored!

Ced😈: I've been gone 5 minutes babe, I hardly even left the drive way

Mattie:🐯: Ugh!

Dean🐻: Why hasn't he responded? How far does he live?

My breath hitches as I read Deans message and immediately I type out a reply.

Me: Sorry phone was dead, and decided to check on some work things.

Their responses were all pretty immediate and it made me feel a fluttery feeling in my stomach as I think about someone actually wanting to talk to me.

Mattie🐯: Finally! I was starting to get worried😖

Ced😈: I thought I told you to text as soon as you got back?

Dean🐻: You coming back over tonight?

I honestly had no clue what to say to any of them. Every single answer stumped me. Matt was actually worried for me? And how was I supposed to respond to Cedrics demanding text? I also had no answer to give Dean. Apparently I didn't have to because Matt answered for me.

Mattie🐯: Of course he's coming, he promised he wouldn't go to anyone else, so he'll have to come back. Right Aron?

I begin typing in a response when he texts again.

Mattie🐯: Can I call you Ronny?

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