Chapter 49 (Cedric's POV)

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(Cedric's POV)

I really fucking hate doctors. The questions, the looks. What business do you have staring me down for no reason? Normally I wouldn't step foot near one. Wouldn't even think about it, but for one of them... I would die.

Aron was never part of the plan. None of them were at first. I was such an angry child. I fucking hated my mother. The bitch just wanted an excuse to cheat on her husband. She knew dad wasn't cheating on her. He couldn't do anything after Derek died. He shut down completely and threw himself into work. She was just a whore.

Now Aron, he is anything but the word that's engraved in his back. Whores want one thing. They WANT one thing. I guarantee if the sexy blond could get his way he'd never suck another dick in his life. He was just broken and I desperately wanted to help fix him, but I could admit that I am scared.

I was terrified of Dean when we first met. He has always been really tough. I was getting the shit beaten out of me because of some drug run gone bad. He had swooped in, kicked their asses and then began leaving like he didn't just become my hero. He's always been like that. Contrary to what anyone says. Dean is the most fragile. He would never admit that though. I followed him home on a whim. He didn't stop me. When we arrived he allowed me in the house and made me some food while his adorable little sister tended to my wounds. I could tell by both their eyes that they had been through a lot. Probably a lot more than me. I have lived in that house ever since. It took me a long time to open up to Dean. It took less time with Matt.

Mattie was like an angel. I saw him standing on the edge of the bridge and it looked like an actual angel had just decided to end his fate. He looked sad and broken. All I wanted to do was fix him and I hadn't even known him yet. Dean like his usual sweet self gently talked Mattie off the railing and brought him home. I love them more than anything I could have ever asked for. They are my rocks. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have them. Probably in a ditch somewhere.

I never thought I'd ever want anyone else. Especially not someone like Aron. It's true that the thoughts of him cheating consume me more often then I'd like to admit but I've realized that it's not a choice. I'm willing to strip my pants off anywhere to satisfy his needs. I opened up to him faster than the others. I think it's because we're the most similar. I can definitively say that I love Aron. I would never want to see him go.

Even after seeing the man chop up his disgusting uncle. If anything I had kind of wanted to help. I was absolutely crushed when Dean busted down the bathroom door and we saw Aron's lifeless body slumped in the bathtub. It was one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever experienced. The thought of losing him was to much.

When Aron left us I was terrified and ready to take on the whole world to get him back. Thoughts ran through my head. Did his uncle have him? Was he okay? Was he hurt? What was being done to him? What ifs had nearly made me go crazy.

So when I saw him standing in his home looking guilty and more or less uncaring. I was pissed. No I was fucking livid. This man had stepped into my life and made me crazy about him. Then he thought he could just leave after the sacrifices I was willing to make for him. It was always hard for me to keep my feelings in check. So I stormed off so that I didn't say something I would regret.

Now I wish more than anything in the world that we had fought. That I had gotten up in Aron's face and told him how fucking stupid he was being by trying to handle everything on his own. I wish more than anything that I had been there when his nasty ass uncle had arrived. I wish I had gone back when Mattie did.

I want to keep them all safe and I failed Aron. I know he has a habit of putting a shitload of blame on himself. I should've been a more understanding boyfriend.

I haven't left his side. Only to attend to the plants a few times but I always came straight back here. Even while hating hospitals. It's been two weeks now. Mattie has been a complete mess. I didn't know how to console him because I was too. Dean somehow had the strength to keep us together. He was most definitely our rock.

"Let's go Cub, they need to run some tests," I can hear Dean say but don't acknowledge him at first. Then slowly I stand up from my sitting position beside Aron's unmoving body. I tear my gaze away to look at Dean who quickly had to tear his own eyes away. He tries to stay strong for us but I know he's just as devastated as us.

I wanted nothing more than for him to be with us again. It's always been easy for Mattie to get attached to somebody and Dean loves anyone who loves him. In different ways of course. It's never been easy for me to love. However Aron made it easy.

He's a gorgeous man. Around the same height as me with just a bit of a lankier frame. His skin is tan and his hair is a soft dirty blond that reaches his chin. His eyes are stormy and dark. A gray that changes colors depending on his mood. His features are sharp and he always looks a bit mad. He has a habit of clenching his teeth when he's thinking. He also has a dimple on his left cheek that appears when he's laughing. He has a very attractive smile. Something about it can always make me smile in return.

I don't know what I will do if he dies. I will probably completely break down. The others too. We need Aron. Just as much as he needs us now. When he wakes up, I will be sure to engrave that into his mind. That we need him and cannot function without him. I'm never letting this man leave me again and I will never let my anger overrule my feelings of love again. I will worship the ground that my lovers walk on and treat them with all the respect I can muster. I can't lose them.

(A/n: I've done it!!! The first chapter in someone else's POV! I want to thank you all so much for the kind and helpful comments! These first three chapters in the guys POV will mostly just be their thoughts and feelings but I am considering doing more in their POV's later. Anyway I hope you like peeking into Cedric's mind. Also his description of Aron is mixed in this part! So if your a bit unsure how I vision Aron it's described. Thank you all so much for the support!!!! I love you guys💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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