Chapter 41

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A/n: I'm so sorry!!! I'm horrible. Despicable. Actual garbage. You all have been so kind! And so understanding. Like not to move to fast or anything but I love you guys!! Like you're all the best and I hope to be better as an author to much such amazing readers. I'm gonna get my shit together I promise! Thank you for sticking around!!!!!!!

Mature Warning!!!!!

Matt has incredibly silky smooth skin. He's pale and almost ghostly looking. My skin in comparison is tanned and I'm also pretty pasty. He just looked so delicate laying on the bed that I couldn't not be gentle. Like a porcelain doll. He is absolutely beautiful.

Currently his soft brown hair was sprawled out around his head in a halo like fashion. I run my hands down his side's skeptically. I wanted more than anything to feel completely comfortable with this situation. It just felt like I was doing something wrong. I wouldnt let that fear stop me. I was already afraid of enough things in life. Matt has told me its what he wants, and I'm more than happy to provide it for him.

His shirt has already been discarded so I gently let my fingers hover over his sensitive nipples. He lets out a shaky breath as if he had been holding it before arching himself a bit closer. I bend down to his chest and softly blow causing them to immediately get hard and him to shiver. I bring my mouth down on to the left one and Matt moans loudly. His nipples are incredibly sensitive.

I give both so much attention until he's moaning almost nonstop and he begins to push his hips forward looking for attention in another place. I keep my mouth on his nipples as my hands travel down to his pants. I make short work of getting him completely naked and by this point Matt is way to horny to care about his looks. Even though hes absolutely breathtaking.

I slowly begin to trail kisses down his stomach but Matt takes in a sharp breath. I look up to see him shaking his head no, "i- I am okay, please, please just, just get in me."

I sit up skeptically again. Ive never had sex without giving someone head. There was no need. Sex was something I didn't even truly want to partake in. At least not until now. Ive never been so aware of how incredibly horny I am, my feelings never mattered in sexual encounters. However right now I wanted nothing more than to ravage the man squirming underneath me.

I bring a hand to his thigh and gently squeeze he moans out and then it clicks. I want to. I want him in my mouth. It wasn't a mandatory blow job. I was anxious. Fear will probably always be instilled within me but I didnt feel the need to. I wanted to.

I look into Matt's slitted eyes and smile slightly, "i want to make you feel good."

Matts eyes snap fully open and stare at me in awe, "you don't need to?"

"I want to," I respond and he moans softly. I smile down at him, "lube?"

He points to the bedside table excitedly. I chuckle slightly at him as my own excitement grows. I felt like a teenager having intercourse for the first time. In a way it was. I reach over into the bedside table and open it to find several miscellaneous items. I dig around until I find lube. I frown slightly when I don't find condoms though.

"Condoms?" I ask glancing back at him. He just smiles at me and pulls me closer. He uses his other hand pulling out his wallet.

"Here, just this time though," he mumbles into my ear and I shiver. I grab it and once again run my hands across his smooth skin. Then I dive down on him giving him absolutely no re to prepare. He practically shouts out in surprise before moaning loudly.

I tease him relentlessly with my tongue until hes bucking in my mouth for release. I make sure to use the lube and prep him. He once again screams out a moan as he cums. I can actually feel my own erection throbbing against my leg as I watch this beautiful man come undone beneath me.

I finally let up when he gets really jerky from being so sensitive and I clean up the spilled cum. I sit up and look down at the heavily breathing man with a smile. He looks at me desperately.

"Fuck me Aron," he growls out like acute kitten amd I chuckle.

"Yes primcess," he moans at my words and immediately begin unwrapping the condom and putting it on quickly.

As I do that Matt gets up and once I'm done he pushes me back onto the bed. I groan out in surprise as he jumps on me. I grip his shoulders as in an instant I'm surrounded by his tight warm hole," holy fuck princess."

He moans loudly as he just slowly rolls his hips. His head thrown back amd his hands propping himself on my chest. I practically drool at the mesmerizing sight.

"You're stunning." I moan up at him and he tilts his head down to look at me amd my expression causes his eyes to go wide before his face encased in a bright flush.

He doesn't respond and instead begins moving. I groan softly as he moves up and down on me. I felt like one of the luckiest men on the planet. I trail one hand up to his left nipple and bring the other one to his once again fully erect dick. He moans even louder and begins moving at a wild pace. Which cause me to completely lose my sense of mind.

I flip us in an instant and begin destroying him. I whisper the dirtiest and most obscene things into his ear which causes him to come completely undone. He tightens around me as he cums causing me to quickly follow in his footsteps. I jerk violently within him as I cum. My breathing stops and I have the best jizz of my entire life. I sit up feeling heavy to stare down at the still moaning and shaking Matt. I pull on my clothes quickly and go into the bathroom quickly cleaning off before wetting a rag. I walk out of the bathroom still slightly breathless to Matt slowly sitting up and staring at me in concern.

I smile at him as I sit beside him and begin cleaning him up as he's propped up on his elbows, "oh! Oh. Thank you."

I just grin at him and he snorts shaking his head, "men."

I laugh out loudly as I finish up and stand back up, "literally anytime princess. Didn't think you'd be a screamer. Is Ginna here?"

He stands up blushing bright red. He pulls on his scattered clothes and rums to the door, "the insulation in the walls are sound proof jerk."

Then he actually runs away from me in embarrassment. I chuckle as I throw the rag into the dirty clothes and put away the lube. Then I follow after him with my own anxiety coming back as I realize I now have to face the others.

I breath in sharply just chanting that everything is okay and that I did nothing wrong. Hopefully if I keep thinking that I'll eventually believe it.

A/n: I've seen some comments about rape that made me a bit sad. Because Aron has gone through sexual abuse. Severely so and comparing his new remedy to that made me a bit mad. Everything they do is consensual! I just wanted to point that out. As well as some comments about Ginna. Sometimes I forget you guys don't know what I so about the story. I've invested so much time on creating a world that I forget what I've written and what's just in my head. So yeah I've addressed those comments about her hearing them in this chapter. Thank you for reading!!!!

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