Chapter 26

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It took an hour and a half to reach the destination of our dates and I can't help but laugh loudly as the cliche lights of the carnival causes Matt to jump up and down excitedly. I hadn't been expecting something so cute. Not with Matt's scary smile. However it was oddly relaxing to know it was something so simple.

I could have fun here. I could enjoy myself with the guys and maybe make some amazing memories. Dean parked the Jeep as close to the entrance as possible and we all got out. Matt seemed to be ready to burst with excitement so we walk to the entrance to get inside.

We get to the booth and the guy says it's 25 dollars a person to have access to all rides. Before I can even reach into my back pocket to get at least my share Dean is handing the guy a crisp hundred dollar bill and grabbing our wrist bands.

"You didn't have to pay for me," I say as soon as we enter. He gives me a look as if I'm crazy.

"It's a date," he says still looking at me funny.

"That still doesn't mean I can't pay for-," he cuts me off with a wave, "Wait, I'll pay you back!"

He just starts following a excited Matt into the park and I gasp after them. Cedric laughs beside me and starts pushing me along, "it's a date Aron, plus Deans just like that. We each get a cut of the money we earn but Dean never really lets us buy anything when we go out."

"But you're his boyfriends, that's just sweet," I reply and Cedric sighs with a exasperated expression.

"He wants you to be one of those boyfriends, so he's going to treat you the same," he says giving me a sad look, "we all want you to."

I look at him with wide eyes before looking down at the ground, "it just seems so unbelievable."

Cedric just shakes his head at me, "then we'll have to make it believable. Let's go!"

We catch up to Matt and Dean before I realize that there aren't many people at the carnival. That made it so much better though. It felt like it was just us four.

Matt immediately pulled us to the spinning teapots and we all spun as hard as we could. It was surprisingly very fun. I found out quickly that Matt the little leader and chose what we did. Not that I minded. It was cute. We we started going to the booths I realized that Dean was really good at them. He won Matt a huge stuffed tiger that he's lugging around. He also one me and Cedric some stuffed toys. His being a teddy bear and mine being a large bee. Which I thought was very fitting and adorable.

We rode ride after ride. We joked and laughed about anything and everything. It was amazing. We were now currently eating cotton candy and Dean was trying to throw skittles into Cedrics mouth. Matt was wetting the cotton candy and watching it deteriorate. Which was adorable.

I take a sip of my sprite and chuckle. Dean hadn't let me pay for any of the snacks either. He simply ignored me when I tried to give him my share of the money. He had a big smile on his face now though. As he tried to aim for Cedrics mouth. It was such a sweet sight.

"We should do dinner," Matt says finishing up his cotton candy and smiling widely at us. Cedric catches one final skittle before nodding.

"Yea, I'm starving," Cedric says standing up. Dean was already up and throwing away the garbage on the table.

We then begin to leave. Dean at the head and Matt basically skipping behind him. Cedric and I brought up the rear commenting on the rides. It was so fun being with these guys. I could almost forget my past when they spoke to me. As if none of that ever mattered. It was like breathing fresh air after years living around toxic waste. Refreshing to say the least.

We climb into Deans Jeep and he pulls out as soon as everyone's strapped in. I didn't know where we would be going to eat but it didn't really matter as long as I was with them.

When Cedric had said they were going to make me believe that they really liked me he really meant it. The whole time we were there they would steal kisses and give me hugs. Dean kept pushing my hair out of my face and planting kisses on my forehead. Something he does a lot to both Cedric and Matt as well. It certainly made me think think it was a little more real but I knew I didn't deserve them. They were to good for me.

I briefly wondered if I should stop talking to them. However that brought a wave of anxiety with it and I immediately push the thought away and focus on Matt who was sitting next to me in the back seat. He was fumbling with his phone and was smiling softly. His usually floppy soft brown hair was held back by his beanie and he moved to the music that was playing on the radio. He was so adorable.

He catches me staring and blushes a deep red looking away. After a minute he glances at me shyly and smiles, "what?"

I just reply with a shrug and a smile before looking back out the window. It's only a few more minutes before we reach a small restaurant and we climb out the Jeep. I was really grateful that it wasn't anything fancy.

We walk in and immediately find a booth somewhere in the corner away from the other customers. It was a very cozy restaurant and made me smile at the smell of fresh bread. It was nice in here.

"Did you have fun?" Cedric says scooting into the seat next to me. Matt sat across from me and Dean sat beside him.

I nod my head in answer, "yea it was really fun."

"Good," Dean says passing out menus.

We all look through them and I simply decide to just get pizza. It sounded good after the day at the carnival. When the waitress finally comes around I realize it's another situation like the gas station. She was trying really hard to get his attention with her boobs pushed up and her batting her lashes.

Dean was getting annoyed but then Cedric speaks up, "I'll have pizza and I want a strawberry milkshake."

"I second that on pizza, as well as just a sprite," I add and she scribbles our orders down with a sneer. When I look at Matt I see him almost visibly shake in irritation as he looks at the woman with a fierce glare. It was actually scary.

I grab his hand from across the table and he looks at it with a deep breath giving me a small smile before speaking, "I- yes pizza for me as well, also he's gay sweetheart."

The woman looks at him with surprise before glancing at the rest of us. We give her nods and she blushes before shuffling her feet, "is that all?"

"Pizza all around," Dean grumbles out and she literally runs away at his mean glare.

I chuckle, "you sure get hit on a lot."

"Where else have you seen him get hit on?" Matt says in a higher pitched voice.

I look at him and shrug, "gas station."

"Woman need to keep their slimy paws of him," Matt responds with a glare at the table.

Dean grabs Matt and pulls him into his side placing a kiss on his cheek, "no need to get mad for me baby boy."

Matt blushes and hides his face in Deans neck. Dean is finally calming down and Cedric smiles at them. The rest of dinner was perfect. We talked and ate about anything that came to mind. It was simple times like this with these guys that I wanted to spend forever with them.

After we finish eating. We hurriedly go out to Deans Jeep. Not wanting to stay in the restaurant any longer. Matt cuddles up beside his tiger and basically falls asleep on the king ride home. I'm sitting in the passenger seat and think Cedric has put headphones in and is snuggling up beside Matt.

Today felt like a dream. It was a great day to say the least. Could I really let myself be with these guys? I wasn't the one who had anything to lose though. It was them. I sigh as I stare out the window leaning my head against it tiredly. I still had no idea what to do.

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