Chapter 14

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I laugh softly before remembering the bag of clothes I had sat next to the chair, "oh right, here's the clothes you let me borrow. I washed them, thank you for letting me borrow them."

Cedric looks at me with wide eyes, "have you even had a boyfriend."

My eyes narrow is confusion, "uh yea?"

"Did he ever let you wear his clothes?" Matt inputs leaning over the counter.

"I've never been able to be with any of them long enough to do anything that couple-like," I say looking down.

"You were supposed to keep my hoodie," Cedric says shaking his head, "and become addicted to me scent."

He laughs loudly and I can't help but be confused, "I already do like your scent, peaches."

He blushes but shakes his head, "ugh you washed it, it doesn't matter now."

"How about you give us the hoodie your wearing," Matt interjects and I stare at them both in confusion. What the hell was going on? I did something wrong?

"Couples like like to exchange clothes to feel comfort, they steal my hoodies all the time," Dean says giving me a smile. That just makes me even more confused.

"But we're not dating," I respond with confusion. Cedric shakes his head and basically run out of the kitchen.

"That's not the point here!" Matt says with a blush, "Dean you weren't supposed to say anything."

Dean simply shrugs and starts shoveling the weed into a baggy. I was obviously missing something as I I stare at Matt's bright red face. Cedric then bursts back in with a very pale yellow hoodie.

"Here," he says handing it to me. I grab it but just stare at it for a moment. I then stare at Cedric who rolls his eyes, "take yours off and put that one on."

I glance around lost then sigh. Was I an idiot? I reach for the collar and pull it up and over my head. My shorts rides up with it and I set my hoodie on the counter fixing my shirt. Then I put on the slightly more oversized yellow hoodie. Which was definitely not Cedrics. I had a manly woodsy smell to it. Like fresh rain and pine.

"Um who's is this?" I say once it's on. Cedric grins at me nodding towards Dean. Matt chuckles at me expression of horror. I immediately go to take it off but Dean stops me.

"Keep it on," he says giving me a unreadable look and I shiver, "are you scared of me?"

I look down and away from him, "I'm afraid of what you do to me. That's a lot of power to have someone and I can't control it."

He stares a me for a few minutes before giving me a breath taking smile. I gasp almost inaudibly and force myself to look away. They belonged to each other. None of them were mine.

Cedric grabs my abandoned hoodie and sniffs it. I immediately feel self conscious. Does it stink? How do I smell? Also why is he doing that?

"Was the washed recently?" He asks looking at me with wide eyes. I shake my head slightly. It's usually a hoodie I just wear around the house. So there's no need to wash it constantly, "I should've expected such a clean fragrance. I bet your place is spotless, huh?"

"Huh? Well I wouldn't say spotless," I respond with and awkward cough. So I don't stink?

"Hmm you live alone?" Cedric asks and I nod at him. Lord knows I'm not living with those things I used to call parents.

The kitchen door open and Ginna walks in briskly. She has a determined look on her face and she's clenching and unclenching her fist, "I'm going out."

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