Chapter 38

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Dear Aron,
Hey bro, its been a long ass time huh? Years. Doing better? Got a job? Hows life now that your out of the slammer? Why haven't you contacted me? I guess none of that truly matters.

I just wanted to say I know what was going on in the house now. Everything. With dad, mom, I know about Derek's gambling problem and the way he got his debts paid. I know everything now. But most importantly I know what Jeremy did to you everyday.

No one ever believed me when I said he was a fucking perv. Even you would sit there and lie to my face. Telling me I had no idea what I was talking about. We're you trying to protect me? I was the only one in that house who didnt ask how high when someone said jump. Thats why you all hated me. I know all this now.

But I also now what you did for me. I know why you went to jail And I want to punch you for not putting yourself first. It pisses me off to no end that I hated you for the protection I didnt know you were giving me.

Shit. I didn't mean for this letter to get all sappy. The past is the past. I actually wrote this as a warning. Jeremy is the one who told me everything. He's back Ari. He asked about you. Wants to see you bro. He had an obsessive look in his eye. I think he's coming after you.

I couldnt face you right away and im sorry i cowardly put this all in a letter but I do want to talk to you. Face to face. If that's alright?

Be safe bro,

~ Kyle


"Aron!" I jolt up inhaling harshly as I begin coughing violently. My chest feels tight and hurts. I had a small heart attack. Fear overcame me and I passed out. I look around frantically seeing all three of my lovers looking at me with worried expressions.

However I'm in a state of intense shock. My mind is just blank. I glance around slowly until my eyes land on the letter that now resides on the ground. With slow deliberate movements I bend down and grab it. I reread it over and over again. My eyes glued to the screen.

"Ronny are you okay?" I hear Matts voice but can't tear my eyes off the written words.

Kyle was only 2 years younger than me. He was one of two of my brothers. To think after all this time he'd be contacting me. He knows everything now as well. He had been the one oblivious person in that house. It also made him the most hated. He made everyone angry because hed ask questions no one cared to answer. Now here's a letter warning me of my biggest trauma coming after me?

I never truly hated Kyle. I did just want to protect him from the rest of our family. He didn't know it then but I was his scapegoat. Every touch that was meant for him transferred to me. He didn't help though when he constantly made him mad.

Jeremy. My mind halts at the name. It sounded so foreign even in my head. I had refused to even acknowledge the thought of him because it brought so much anguish. I felt nothing at the moment though. Just tired. Really tired. A part of me wished I hadnt woken up.

I jolt when hands grab my face and kisses are haphazardly landed everywhere on my face. My eyes focus on Matt who is the culprit. I seem to snap out of whatever dark place I traveled to when I see the streaming tears on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask in somewhat of a faraway voice. I felt so lost.

"You wouldnt wake up! And youre crying! I'm the one asking what's wrong?" He sputters out almost incoherently. I reach my hand up slowly to touch my cheek. I had been crying. I definitely had a lot to cry about.

I don't answer him because the list of things that were wrong with me was to long to even speak of. Instead I just hand him the letter. I felt no need to hide it. Ive lived with enough dishonesty to last a life time. Plus what really was the point? The only reason I havent told them is because I couldn't. I couldnt bring myself to speak about him.

Matt grabs the letter skeptically and his eyes trail acros the paper at a fast pace. I watch as several emotions cross ovet his face. Confusion, exasperation, anger, but it stops on sadness. He looks at me with probably the same lost look I was giving him. He then hands the letter to Dean and Cedric who read it together. However their reactions were incredibly different. Malice is the only word I could use to describe the look on their faces. Dean more so than Cedric.

"Jeremys the one who cut you?" Dean asks in a low dark voice. A shiver runs through me harshly and i can finally feel my anxiety pick up. I nod in answer not trusting my voice, "I thought you killed him?"

My head snaps to him in complete shock, "what?"

Dean doesn't really react much to my surprise. His eyes just lower slightly in confusion. However Cedric loses his angry face and looks at me in total confusion. Matt looks around lost.

"I- I didnt kill him, it only stopped because I went to jail. He didn't know how long my sentence was. I told everyone it was way longer," I mumble out hurriedly and take a deep breath to calm down.

"So he wasn't the reason you went to jail?" Cedric asks with a raised brow.

I sigh and mentally try to gain strength.  It was about time I stopped being scared. He couldn't do anything to me. I was a grown man. I could say no and deal with the consequences. I wasn't in that house anymore. I wasn't chained anymore. I was free the moment I was sent to juvie. Jail saved me. I could do this. And if I choke and end up anxious I know i have three amazing men that would help me in an instant.

I take a deep breath and glance around the room. I grab at my chest and try to smile, "Jeremy was my uncle."


A/n: I think I'm going to start posting everyday if I can but the chapters will probably be a bit shorter. I'll try to male them all over 1000 words though so they're actually worth reading.

Thank you guys so much for all the support on this book! It really gives me the motivation to finally keep writing it. Enjoy!

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