Chapter 53

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Pain. Excruciating pain. Pins and needles climb up and down my limbs. Fire scorches my chest and spreads outwards. Why did I suddenly feel so much pain?

I try to move and flinch harshly. I can hear a soft gasp and shuffling. I once again attempt to move and groan as my hand reaches up to grab at my chest. That felt like it was burning.

Next I work on my eyes. Immediately slamming them shut again when bright lights harshly shine down into them. I groan again as I squint. My whole body felt so sore.

I take in my surroundings and frown when Cedric is no where to be seen. The hospital room is cold. Devoid of anything colorful or meaningful. I'm not dead, but maybe hearing him was a hallucination?

I attempt to sit up and immediately curse of loudly freezing in my slightly bent upright position when my body sends waves of pain traveling all the way through.

"Aron?" My head snaps up at the all to familiar voice. This time not muffled at all as he whispers almost inaudibly. He looks absolutely terrible. He's eyes are bloodshot and his normally nicely styled short curly hair is frizzy and sticking out wildly. He wore a large black shirt that I'm sure belongs to Dean. With black basketball shorts. He looks like he hasn't slept in a week. Even after all that though he is incredibly attractive.

"Cedric?" When his name leaves my mouth he eyes widen and he stumbles back a bit almost as if he can't believe what he heard. Before he rushes towards me and in an instant I'm engulfed in his arms and surrounded in the comforting scent of peaches.

My body groans in intense pain as he grabs me but I can't be bothered to care as I grip on the large black tshirt.

"Shit, shit, shit," he backs up and searches my whole face before looking at the door he had come in from, "where the fuck is the doctor!"

"I'm fine," his head snaps to me so quickly that I'm startled. His eyes are big and he's looking down at me as if I had just told him I was going to kill his cat.

"You're fine? Fine? 28 days. Aron you've been in a coma for 28 fucking days. Not one single movement. You were practically dead to the world around you. You are fine?" A crazy smile grows on his face and dark wild chuckles begun to escape him, "I don't care if you think you in good enough shape to run a marathon! Lay your ass down and I'm getting the doctor. Holy fuck."

He rushes from the room barely letting go of my hand as he leaves my side. I go to speak but he's already gone. I sigh and immediately the door busts open again and I jump groaning as a jolt of pain shoots through my chest.

Dean stands at the door looking much like Cedric had. With wide eyes that almost look comical on him. He also looked horrible. He wears a baggy black sweat outfit with untied boots. He has eye bags that practically cover his cheeks. His hair is just as wild as Cedric's. The sides are longer than he usually keeps it and the top looks to be a knotted mess. He also once again has a beard but this time it's completely unmanaged and makes him looked way more rugged. However just like Cedric he still looks like an absolute dream.

He walks closer a lot slower than Cedric and I notice a wrist brace on him and frown, "are you okay?"

He stops almost in shock to hear words come from me. He glances down at his arm and then back at me. He opens his mouth but then closes it and clears his throat.

"You- you are worried about me?" He asks in a deep husky voice. Almost as if he hasn't really spoken. So Cedric really was talking to me. My eyes widen and I swing my legs off the bed groaning.

Instantly Dean is in front of me keeping me from standing but he doesn't touch me. No he holds his hands behind his back and just stares down at me intensely, "I have to get up Dean."

"No you don't," he says simple and uses his good hand to gesture to the bed, "wait for the doctor."

I shake my head urgently. I had to tell them. All of them, "I have to- ack!"

I try to stand up but fall back on the bed as my legs lose their balance, "wait for the doctor Aron."

Then the door open and in walks Cedric and a older gentleman in a white lab coat. Who I am assuming is the doctor.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Brendon. Can you tell me yours?" He asks with a gentle smile. I frown and peek glances at both Dean and Cedric who now both stood beside the hospital bed.

"Aron? My age is 22, no family, no allergy's, I'm in a shit ton of pain. I take a two medications everyday. Only one of which I had been taking. The heart one. I don't want to be put on that shitty antidepressant. It's worsens my anxiety. I want pain medicine, nothing to strong, I don't want my head to be messed up, and get me my release papers please and thank you for watching me these past 28 days," I rant out almost robotically. Knowing exactly how to speed this process up. I've been in the hospital more times than I could possibly count. I push my hair back to find it knotted and groan.

The doctor looks at me in shock and looks down at his clipboard before jolting down the information I supplied him, "you've been through this before huh?"

I snort and shake my head, "I'm sorry but I'm not sure I want to chat much. I'm guessing you've already called the cops. I need to see Mattie before I leave. I don't care if he's banned from the hospital. Someone get him here. I won't talk and will be uncooperative until I've seen him."

I was definitely going to jail this time. Every time I'm questioned when I show up at the hospital and considering the last thing I can clearly remember is repeatedly stabbing Jeremy I know I don't have a shot in hell of getting out of it, but I've played this game once before. I know how to get a better deal. I can do this.

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