Chapter 28

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"Hiii!" Matt cheerful voices rings out from the phone and I smile as I see his beaming smile. He was absolutely adorable.

"Hello princess," I respond turning to the living room and sitting on the couch.

Matt blushes at my term of endearment and chuckles, "I missed your voice."

I smile at him through the phone. It was so strange how those words make me want to hug Matt tightly but if Dean had said them I'd be a blushing idiot.

"Dean just got back and I asked him when you were coming over and he ignored me!" Matt says in a high pitched voice, "can you believe that? Toxic energy!"

He says that last part loudly. I'm guessing to make sure Dean heard it. Matt shakes his head with a groan until a door is opened from his side and he jumps up with a beautiful smile.

"Cedric!!!" He screams and the phone jolts around as he runs. I can't really see what was happening but I think he jumped onto Cedric.

"Wow," Cedric says in a surprised voice, "what the hell happened? I never get such welcoming greetings."

"Deans ignoring me," Matt says before turning his phone camera around showing a bewildered Cedric, "say hi!"

"Did you eat to much sugar? Who's that?" Cedric says side stepping around Matt who follows him with the camera into the kitchen.

"Bae, duh!" Matt says from behind the camera and Cedric gives him a weirded out look.

"Bae? Never say that word again," he sits his things down and suddenly his eyes open wide and he grabs Matt's phone. Showing Matt once again. Then he flips the camera with a big smile, "Aron!"

My heart melts when I hear how excitedly he says my name. These guys were to precious for me. I couldn't contain my grin, "hey Ced."

"I missed you Lollipop, sorry I haven't been able to talk all day," Cedric says moving out of the kitchen, "some of the plants are freaking dying. How you feeling?"

I loved how they always checked on me. It was such a small thing but it made me all gooey inside, "getting a little shaky but I'm still okay."

Suddenly I get a text on my phone and I see it's a private message from Dean.

Honey Bee🐝: come over now honey.

I jump up quickly and look at Cedric through the phone, "sorry I gotta go real quick, someone's knocking."

His face falls slightly and I wonder if Dean decided not to tell him. He gives me a small smile and nods, "alright, call me back when you're done."

He hangs up and I hurriedly text Dean a okay and grab my belongings. I pull on my converses and I make my way to the door practically skipping in excitement and run to my car.

I drive way faster than I should and manage to reach their house in only 10 minutes. I park as quietly as I can and jump out closing the door behind me. I walk to the front door and knock quickly.

It takes a couple minutes but eventually Matt opens the door with a extremely grumpy expression. Then I was awarded with a look of absolute disbelief when he sees me. His face then instantly changes to joy.

He jumps into my arms. Like full on koala holds me with his legs tight around my waist and his arms strangling my neck. I hold him up by his legs and carry him into the house. Closing the door quickly behind me. I try to put him down and he just squeezes harder so I just chuckle.

I walk with him in my arms into the living room where i see both Dean and Cedric staring at us with amused expressions. Both of them looked good. Like really good.

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