Chapter 30

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A few days passed and there was still no word on the mission Cassie was supposed to do with Lucius. It put her on edge not knowing, and her worry was very visible to Tonks and Remus. They tried to keep her busy to distract her, but even they had to admit, in this day of age, nothing can distract you of what's going on in the world.

Tonks and Remus were out this morning for Order business, so here Cassie was, curled onto her bed, staring off into space. She was trying to find something to do so she wasn't completely bored.

As Cassie glanced around the room, her eyes fell upon a familiar leather journal known to be her Uncle's. She hadn't looked through it in a while, there has simply been more important things to do.

Curiously, Cassie grabbed the journal, flipping through the pages. Not having anything better to do, she landed on a random page to read it.

July 17, 1977

I did it. They finally made me do it.

I always knew this day was coming ever since Sirius ran away, but I didn't think it would come so soon. I was hoping to become of age then somehow disappear from this world, but no, instead, I'm now locked in this cage with no way out.

For some reason, I keep thinking of what Sirius will think. He already despises me for not running away with him, but I wonder what he would think seeing me now followed in our family's footsteps completely...

I'm scared though. I now have to play this role and I'm scared I won't do it good enough. The things I'll have to do... I'm not prepared for it, but then again, how do you prepare to potentially hurt people?

A pureblood supremacist. That's what everyone will know me by. I wish I could get out, but I wasn't placed in Gryffindor like my brother for a reason.

I'm not brave, and now I'll never get out of my prison.


Cassie barely registered the tears welling in her eyes. She never knew her Uncle, but she felt sorry for him. He never explicitly said it, but it was obvious he was referring to taking the Dark Mark.

It saddened her realizing he had to live out years under Voldemort unwillingly. Everyone talked about Regulus being obsessed with his ideals, but in reality he was terrified and just wanted a way out.

Although, it did make Cassie wonder what his later entry was about. Just two years later he wrote about defying Voldemort, and coincidentally, that was his last entry in the journal.

Regulus found something that gave him hope to be able to leave his life, but the big question was, 'What did he find?'

"Cassie! We're home!"

Cassie was broken out of her thoughts about Regulus from Remus calling out to her.

"We brought your favorite, Pumpkin Pasties!" Tonks added excitedly.

Just realizing now how much her stomach was grumbling, Cassie quickly swung her feet off the bed and ran out to where they were.

"I told you that would get her up," Tonks said to Remus.

"Hey! It's not my fault, you know I can't resist Pumpkin Pasties," Cassie said.

Tonks rolled her eyes, "Well, why don't you make yourself useful and make the adults some coffee," she joked.

Cassie jokingly mocked Tonks with squinted eyes as she walked toward the kitchen.

Her mouth was watering at the thought of her favorite pastry, so she made the coffee fairly quickly. Cassie poured two cups, but she only took one step before she froze.

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