Chapter 41

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Gentle reminder before you guys read on in case you forgot - both Amelia and Joseph died, but came back. I still haven't revealed how (that will be next chapter I believe), but they did. Just wanted to remind you in case you get confused during any of the conversations with them!

All Joseph could do was watch as Cassie jumped in front of Sirius. He failed to protect someone yet again, only this time he had to live with it instead of dying alongside them.

Joseph knew the possibilities of what may happen now, but nothing is ever certain. His niece could very well be gone and he wasn't about to hold out the hope that she isn't, just to be let down afterwards.

It was evident from Amelia's face that she was thinking similarly to her brother, the only difference is that she was more worried about what would happen to her.

"Oh god, what did I do," she stuttered under her breath.

Amelia watched as Sirius' heartbroken face contorted in a look of rage, but she didn't waste any time. Instead, she quickly apparated home, in hopes to figure out the implications of what just happened.

Despite being much different from his sister, Joseph still knew her better than anyone. He knew she wouldn't return to Malfoy Manor yet out of fear, which is why he followed her to where he knew she would be — home.

(heyo quick author's note before you read this next scene. you may be confused about some parts so I recommend referring back to the beginning of chapter 25)

Upon arriving, Amelia was already pacing around back and forth, muttering incoherent phrases attempting to make sense of it all.

"We don't know what will happen, Amelia," Joseph said calmly.

"Yes we do!" she hissed. "The chances of it not happening is very small and it will be me who suffers the consequences!"

"Anything can happen. It could be too long ago for it to happen even if it does," he attempted to reason.

"It wasn't too long for you so I highly doubt it will be too long for him," Amelia snapped.

Knowing what she was insinuating made Joseph wince unintentionally. He knew all too well the high possibilities of what will happen due to Cassie dying, but he didn't want to get his hopes up. No matter how much he wanted to, he wouldn't let himself just to be disappointed later on.

Joseph sighed, "It doesn't matter right now. All we can do is wait, and even if it does happen, who knows when that will be."

"I guess you have a point, it could be a while..." she trailed off, "but I don't think that will matter to the Dark Lord."

"You know you can't avoid him forever. Most likely he already knows what happened anyways," he said.

"He will kill me, Joseph! To be honest, he might even kill you too! We were supposed to protect her at all costs so we could even avoid the possibility, and we failed," she rambled nervously.

"I know that... but maybe we can still do something. We can still leav-" Joseph suddenly was cut off by the swift crack of apparation right outside the door.

Both Amelia and Joseph looked at each other with worry in their eyes, knowing how bad this is. For someone to apparate right outside, they knew someone had to have taken their barriers down, and there's only one wizard who knew both how to do it, and also where they lived.

They knew the news of Cassie's death wouldn't go over too well, but they never imagined it would be this bad. The two of them weren't prepared, all they could do was hope things would go differently than what's most likely to happen...

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