Chapter 57

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I am SPOILING YOU GUYS! But also these chapters have been pretty simple to write. I can't stray very far from the book, so there's not much creativity, unfortunately. Once they're at Hogwarts though, LOTS OF ORIGINAL MATERIAL I'M EXCITED FOR!!!

It was the first of May when their plans and preparations were finally completed. Sitting in the smallest bedroom were two identical jars with single pieces of hair in each one.

"And you'll be using her actual wand," said Joseph, nodding toward the walnut wand, "so you'll be pretty convincing."

Cassie pouted as she picked up the wand. The last thing she wanted was to turn into her, but someone had to do it.

"Why do I have to turn into Bellatrix," she whined. "Hermione gets to be Narcissa, why can't I do that?"

Joseph sighed, "It's safer for her and everyone that you act as Bellatrix. Hemione hasn't been trained as an Auror as you have, you'll be able to play the role better."

"It feels all wrong though, it doesn't work properly for me... It's like a bit of her," Cassie said in a low voice.

"It'll probably help you get in character, though," Ron interjected, trying to be helpful. "Think what that wand's done!"

"Yes, because that's exactly what I want to do, think of all the people she's tortured and killed with this wand," she said sarcastically making Regulus snort.

Harry looked down at the wand in his hand at her words. He hadn't thought of that, but now he had the urge to snap the wand that once belonged to Draco Malfoy.

"Why don't you two have to take Polyjuice Potion," she grumbled, looking over to her uncles.

"Well, unlike you, we are very advanced in magic and can do a Disillusionment Charm on our whole body," Regulus boasted with a smirk.

Knowing she couldn't do that, Cassie simply huffed and turned away with her arms crossed. In her head, however, she was making a promise to herself to one day have a duel with her uncle to finally shut him up about being better.

With everything in order, they waited until the next morning to move forward with their plans. They awoke at dawn, wanting to avoid Bill and Fleur seeing them so they wouldn't question why they were taking Polyjuice Potion to turn into Death Eaters.

The six of them crept out into the garden, where Griphook was already waiting. The dawn was chilly, but there was little wind now that it was May. Cassie looked up at the stars still glimmering palely in the dark sky and smiled when she found the star, Sirius. It was as if he was there for comfort, it made the process easier on the girl.

Joseph handed Cassie and Hermione a vial of Polyjuice Potion for each of them. As they walked behind a tall bush, Cassie took a sniff making her gag instantly.

"This is going to be foul!" Cassie complained loudly so they could hear her.

"Wouldn't want to be you, good luck!" Regulus called back.

"Wow, really motivating," she muttered under her breath.

She turned back to Hermione who had a similar look of disgust look on her face.

"Together?" Hermione asked.

Nodding, the two girls counted to three before choking down the vial liquid. They felt the familiar churn as their bodies began to shift into Bellatrix and Narcissa.

After a few minutes, the boys saw Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy striding across the lawn toward them. Harry could tell it was really Cassie, she wasn't exactly trying to hide the look of loathing on her face. Both girls grew taller than he was, and it almost made him shiver to look at them, but it quickly dissipated hearing them talk nothing like the Dark witches.

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