Chapter 53

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thank you all again so much for all the kind words left on my last chapter. I'm so appreciative of all of you! 💗

"So, are we ever going to do anything?"

Cassie was sitting in the kitchen with her uncles when she suddenly voiced the question everyone was thinking. With Ron's return, they planned to speak to him whenever he left Shell's Cottage, but to their dismay, he hasn't left yet and it's been weeks.

It felt as though a time bomb was ticking, that it would go off if they didn't do something. They figured he would leave to search for Harry and Hermione, but seeing as it's close to Christmas, that's clearly not the case.

"Can't we try to force him out? We can get Bill to encourage Ron to start searching for the others or something," Cassie added.

Joseph sighed, "That'll lead to Bill asking questions he can't have answers to unfortunately."

"What other choice do we have at this point?" Regulus commented softly while rubbing small circles on Joseph's hand which was draped on his lap.

"Ron is stubborn. He won't be the first one to make amends unless someone pushes him to do it, which is probably why he hasn't left to find them by now," she voiced.

Joseph picked up his hands to rub his face to offer some type of stress relief. All three of them hated sitting around while the Wizarding World descends into chaos with Voldemort's presence, but it was worst for him. For him, he's been waiting a whole extra year to do something, and the time passing only goes by slower and slower.

"We can try to get Remus to talk to Bill. Maybe he'll be able to come up with something that doesn't raise questions," Joseph contended, although in a tired way.

Both Cassie and Regulus could tell there was something off with him as he walked out to send a patronus. To put it simply, he was tired. Tired of hiding, tired of the war, tired of not being able to live with his love in peace. Tired of everything.

"Is Joseph okay?" Cassie asked her uncle.

Regulus smiled, but it didn't quite reflect on his face. "He's as okay as you can expect in our situation, but I think this is all becoming a bit too much. Like all of us he wants this to be over with already," he explained.

"That's understandable," she sighed, "I can't wait to be able to see my friends and family again. I hope they aren't mad at me though when it's all over."

Regulus raised an eyebrow with a knowing look. His niece was staring off longingly, and it didn't take a genius to realize what she was yearning for.

"I'm sure that Fred will just be happy you aren't actually dead," he stated, causing a deep blush to erupt on Cassie's cheeks.

"I didn't even mention Fred!" she groaned.

Regulus scoffed, "Do I really have to remind you of how easy to read you are?"

After a couple minutes of silence, she mumbled, "How do you know he won't be mad?"

"Aww, does my dear niece want her uncle's relationship advice," he mocked teasingly.

"Shut up!" Cassie growled. "Just help me you prick."

Regulus giggled mischievously before growing serious, knowing she was actually worried over the subject.

"I know you said you guys had some problems before, but I'm sure having you die will have made him realize your fights weren't worth the time spent apart. Fred might be mad initially over the shock factor, but it won't last, I promise," he affirmed.

"I can only hope..." she sighed. "Who knew you're such a love expert though."

Rolling his eyes, Regulus simply rolled his eyes and flicked her forehead before walking off, leaving Cassie who was yelling obscenities after him for flicking her.

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