Chapter 12

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This was officially one of the worst days of Cassie's life.

July 24th

One month since Cedric's death.

She woke up that morning staring blankly up at the ceiling knowing that at this time last month, she was with Cedric. At this time last month Cassie was talking with him, hugging him, kissing him, not at all knowing it would all be gone by nightfall.

Cassie reached over to her nightstand to take a chug of firewhiskey. Yes, it wasn't a good coping mechanism, but she desperately needed to escape this day. Not only did she want to escape, but in all honesty, she needed some liquid courage.

Sitting on her desk was a white envelope staring back to her as if it were taunting her. Cassie hadn't had the courage to open the letter from Cedric's mother yet, but she figured today was already terrible, might as well make it even worse.

Wobbling over, she stumbled over to her desk and picked up the envelope with shaky hands. She ripped it open pulling out two pieces of paper. Cassie began reading off of the first paper, which consisted of a short message:


I hope you're doing well. It's been hard on Amos and I, but it gets slightly easier as each day passes. Try not to be too hard on yourself, Cedric wouldn't want us to be sad all the time.

Anyways, the reason I'm writing is because I found this letter in Cedric's things addressed to you. Hopefully whatever it says will help you in some way.

Hope you're safe and well,

Sofia Diggory

Tears welled in Cassie's eyes as she read Cedric's mother's letter. With shaky hands she set down her letter to read the one from Cedric. She let out a pained cry recognizing his handwriting as she began reading.

To my darling Cassie,

I'm writing this the night before the 3rd task. I know you've been paranoid through this whole tournament so congratulations Cassie, you finally kicked the paranoia into me. In the event of anything going wrong tomorrow (which I still highly believe everything will be fine), I wanted to write this letter for you.

If things go wrong, please don't think of me in pity or sadness. Smile! I hate when you're sad so please laugh and smile at the memories we have instead.

Know that even if something happens, I'm just so glad I lived a life so full of love, joy, and amazing friends. I am lucky to honestly say that I have zero regrets and I spent every ounce of energy I had living live to the fullest. I love you and Serena so much for making this such an awesome life, thank you.

Most importantly, I am so unbelievably lucky to have spent this past year with the love of my life and my best friend, Cassie. True love and soulmates really do exist, I knew they did all those years ago I met you at Hogwarts.

Every day has been filled with hilarity and love with you by my side. You have genuinely been the best person in my life. Even in our worst days we found a way to laugh together. I love you more than life itself and I truly believe that a love like ours is so special it will live forever.

Time is the most precious thing in the world and in the event of something happening tomorrow, I'm glad to have spent the majority of my time with you. I love you, Cass. You're my world and I loved every second we have spent together.

I'm sure this is all the nonsense you've been saying about how dangerous the tournament is just getting to my head, but I figured I might as well write something anyways just in case.

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