Chapter 39

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Hi again! Ugh, I feel so bad for making you guys wait so long. I've been so busy and I've had so much anxiety lately which has decreased my motivation. Decisions for my dream college (University of Florida) come out on Friday so I've been freaking out like crazy!!! Anyways, I should be able to update more when I get my decision since I won't have much else to worry about. Sorry again for the wait!!!

It was a mystery to all in Grimmauld of what happened that night in the kitchen. The only ones who knew what went down were the people present, but they kept quiet.

The kids never expected the adults to spill what happened, but they were shocked to find out Fred was remaining silent as well, even to his own twin brother.

Fred didn't know what to make of the situation. A relationship is built on trust and in a span of minutes, that trust was destroyed. Part of him understood where Cassie was coming from, but on the other hand, it was desperately difficult to move past it when his father was included.

That first night was the hardest. He was grateful Cassie didn't follow him up the stairs, but he soon realized that it was worse that she didn't.

Fred and everyone else in Grimmauld could hear her heart-wrenching cries. There was nothing he wanted more than to comfort the girl he has fallen in love with, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he had to listen to the cries that seemed to stab him in the heart repeatedly as he stared off with blood-shot eyes.

It seemed to go on for hours, but instead, in mere minutes, the sounds of heartbreak stopped abruptly. Most likely due to a silencing charm, but Fred couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as tears pooled out so he didn't have to suffer any longer listening to Cassie.

Similar to Cassie, he remained in this dazed state of heartbreak for days. George and his other family members were clearly worried, especially since they didn't know what had happened, but Fred wouldn't budge. He couldn't talk about it. Not only because Tonks had instructed him not to, but also so they didn't have to suffer either with the truth.

"I'm going down for lunch if you want to come," George mentioned quietly, in hopes for his brother to return back to normal.

He waited for a few moments, but as usual, Fred remained with his back to the door, ignoring everything.

"Come on, Freddie, you have to eat something," he pleaded.

"I don't want anything," Fred snapped.

George simply let out a deep sigh before leaving his brother alone once more. As much as he wanted to drag him by his ear to get him to snap out of this funk, he knew deep inside this was something Fred had to do in solitude.

Only minutes had passed when Fred's peaceful silence was disrupted again. Loud knocking on his bedroom door could be heard, much to his annoyance.

Standing up abruptly, he swung the door open in anger.

"I told you, I don't -"

Fred stopped his sentence short at the sight of Sirius Black, rather than one of his siblings like he expected it to be.

"Why would you do that to her?" Sirius spat bitterly.

"I don't have time for this," Fred mumbled sadly.

He had made the motion to shut the door in Sirius' face, but a hand on the door prevented him from doing so. Fred desperately wanted to get away from this man sensing his rising anger, but in this moment, there was nothing he could do.

"How could you do that to her? How can you be upset that she kept something from you that could get her, or even you killed?" Sirius hissed.

"She knew about my dad, Sirius!" Fred exploded. "She knew what could happen and she gave him the information anyways!"

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