Chapter 45

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As you'll see, I'm drawing inspiration for this chapter from the time where Harry, Ron, and Hermione snuck into the Ministry to steal the locket! Hope you enjoy :)


Flamed engulf the locket and it's metal flesh then scarlet, but then nothing. The flames die and the locket remained as if nothing happened.





Absolutely nothing at all could be done to harm the locket which the trio were unfortunately coming to realize.

"Why won't anything we do work!" Cassie exclaimed out of frustration.

"It's dark magic, it's not supposed to be easily destroyed," Joseph said.

"Exactly. It's supposed to be difficult, not bloody impossible!" she groaned. "We've been at this the past week and still nothing has worked! It's already been reported more Death Eaters have broke out of Azkaban, we need to get these horcruxes destroyed and we've barely gotten anywhere with the only one we have."

"Cassie's right, the Dark Lord is stronger than ever and we're running out of ideas of how to destroy it. We need to come up with a new plan," Regulus added.

Cassie gasped dramatically, "Am I hearing right? Stubborn old Regulus actually agreeing with me?"

"Better be quiet before I take it back," he warned.

She was about to retort, but Joseph cut her off before she could do so. "Will you two stop bickering for just 5 minutes? You would think you're both teenagers," he mumbled.

"I for one am a teenager," Cassie said proudly. "This one over here just has the emotional intelligence of one," she added teasingly while motioning to Regulus.

"You listen here-"

"We don't have time for this!" Joseph yelled out causing them both to fall silent with frowns on their faces. "Every day that passes the Dark Lord grows stronger and we aren't any closer to destroying this thing. We need to find a way to do it fast and you both aren't helping."

After his speech, both Cassie and Regulus offered some quiet apologies knowing he was right. The locket wasn't any closer to being destroyed than when they found it, much to all of their annoyance.

For a while they sat there looking out to the river that flowed behind the cottage. Things have been proving to be more difficult than they expected, it was difficult to decipher what to do next.

And so they sat. They sat and listened to the loud nothingness of nature, hoping for some kind of miracle surrounding the yellow locket that lay unscathed in front of them.

As if the universe heard their pleads, Regulus suddenly stood up with wide eyes. He began pacing while muttering incoherent sentences.

"Regulus? What's wrong?" Joseph asked.

"I just remembered something. It's crazy and I know it's a stretch, but I feel like I'm right at this," he rambled.

"What are you getting at?" Cassie inquired.

"Joseph, you were part of the Sacred 28 like me. Did your parents ever tell you anything of the restricted books of the Wizarding World that reside at the Ministry?" Regulus questioned.

"That's a thing?! And all this time I thought I was doing something sneaking into the restricted section at Hogwarts..." she trailed off speaking to no one in particular.

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