Chapter 49

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hey everyone!! so if you aren't already aware, I typically follow the books heavily. therefore, you may get confused at some points in this chapter if you haven't read them since the wedding chapter has a lot that differs from the movies. I'll be incorporating movie aspects as well, but just wanted to let y'all know in case you get to a point that you don't remember happening! Enjoy! :)

"I got the strands of hair!" Joseph announced upon walking into the kitchen.

Regulus and Cassie had been waiting for roughly an hour for him to return. It was almost time to leave for the wedding, so by now they've made all the necessary preparations besides taking the Polyjuice Potion and leaving.

In all honesty, Cassie was still shocked they were even going through with this. Her Uncle had been so adamant about not wanting her to help with transferring Harry to the safe house, yet somehow it wasn't as risky in his eyes to go to the wedding. Granted, they wouldn't be fighting in the air and wouldn't be completely outnumbered, but there would still be an ambush which is why it was so shocking to her that they're going.

"Who are we posing as anyways?" she asked.

"We'll all be random people, but we'll say we're French so that questions of who we are isn't brought up to any Order members. Instead, they'll just assume we know Fleur not asking any questions," he explained.

Nodding slightly, she went to examine the three containers that each held a single strand of hair. Two of the containers had light brown hair, but she found the third to hold a very blonde piece that seemed close to white.

"What's with this color," Cassie inquired, motioning to the blonde hair.

"That'll be your piece since you'll be posing as a Beauxbaton student who recently graduated. Figured you would blend in better since mostly all of them are part Veela," Joseph replied.

"Perfect for you, Cassie! You already look like an angry Veela," Regulus snickered.

"I do not!" she exclaimed bitterly. "Angry Veelas look like demented birds!"

"Exactly! Just like you!" he continued on while laughing.

"Will you both shut up?" Joseph said boredly. "If you want to go through with this then we have to get going."

After giving Regulus one more glare, Cassie shoved past him to grab a vial of Polyjuice Potion that her Uncle had prepared for them. The two men then followed suit, all placing their respective strands of hair into their vial.

She watched as the potion bubbled and steamed until finally, it became a pearly white color.

The trio all looked at one another to ensure each was ready before chugging the vile liquid. Each of them gagged simultaneously while trying to choke it down, desperately hoping to ignore the horrible taste.

"That never gets any easier," Cassie noted with her face scrunched up in disgust.

In a matter of seconds, all of their faces and body's began to bubble. All at once, their bodies morphed into three different people.

Regulus was roughly the same height, but his skin grew tanner while his hair paled into a light brown. Joseph, on the other hand, became very pale with defined cheekbones, but he had similar brown hair.

Cassie was the person that stood out among the trio. Her short, black hair had changed into platinum blonde that reached close to her waist while her eyes became a bright blue. Luckily she was already pretty pale, so her skin tone didn't change much, but she still was pretty much the opposite of who she truly is.

"You really went all out in disguising Cassie here, Joseph. She's unrecognizable," Regulus joked.

"Yeah, that's kind of the point of Polyjuice Potion you idiot," she groused.

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