Chapter 6

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The next morning Cassie woke up to banging on her door.

"Cassie! Wake up, breakfast!"

Cassie groaned not wanting to get out of bed. She considered for a minute to skip breakfast again, but she remembered that Moody was going to come by to talk to her today. She wasn't sure when he was going to come, so Cassie figured it would be best to be downstairs all day.

She rolled out of bed and sluggishly put on a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants. Cassie noticed as she was getting ready that her wrist still had a distinct hand mark wrapped around, but her petty self thought, 'Why cover it? Yeah, it was an accident, but he still did it.' She wasn't mad about it since she heard how sincere he was to Remus, but like everyone says, Cassie is definitely Sirius' daughter. Might at well be petty and get his attention to remind him he still has a daughter while he gushes about Harry arriving all day.

Once dressed, Cassie started to make her way down the three floors of stairs. As she passed the second floor, a door opened right in front of her face.

"Hey! Watch it-" she paused when she noticed it was Fred, "oh, hi Fred."

"Well, well, well, can't say I'm not shocked you actually listened to my wake up call for once," he said smugly.

Cassie nudged his shoulder, "Oh shove off Fred, not my fault I don't wake up at an ungodly hour like you lot."

"Maybe if you weren't up all night it wouldn't be so hard to wake up," Fred retorts.

"Paying attention to my sleeping habits are you now, Fred?"

Fred rolls his eyes, "Hard not to when I hear someone resembling a mammoth going down the stairs almost every night past midnight!"

Cassie let's out a genuine laugh as they both walk into the kitchen.

"What's got you so chipper this early? You're usually a beast at this time," Tonks says. She knew Cassie has been grieving and it's been hard to make her laugh without it being forced so seeing her this happy brought a smile to her face.

"Must everyone attack me this morning? It's not that surprising that I'm down here for breakfast!"

Suddenly Mrs. Weasley emerged from the other room.

"Oh! Cassie deary, you're actually here this morning!" she said excitedly.

Cassie slumped into a chair next to Tonks. She started chuckling knowing her point was proven that it's surprising Cassie's down for breakfast.

"Oh, shut up will you?" Cassie mumbled.

Cassie had been resting her chin in the palm of her hand when she felt eyes resting on her. She glanced a couple seats down to see her Dad staring intently at her wrist with regret in his eyes.

"Hey, what happened there?" Tonks said motioning to her wrist.

Cassie quickly pulled her wrist away and laid it in her lap. "It's nothing, just fucking around as usual in the middle of the night," she says while subtly glancing over to Sirius. She saw him look down at his food trying to focus on anything else.

"If you say so..." Tonks says seemingly unconvinced.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Cassie says to change the subject.

At this, Sirius picks up his head beaming.

"Harry comes today! I can't wait to see him, I hope he's doing okay after everything that happened with the maze and Cedric," Sirius says.

Cassie visibly tenses as Sirius mentions Cedric. Tonks gives her hand an encouraging squeeze knowing this was a sore subject for her. Cassie wondered why her Dad was so worried about how Harry was doing, yet paid little attention to her, but she brushed it off not wanting to cause a scene.

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