Chapter 32

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It was the last day of Christmas Break. Cassie felt weird knowing that she wouldn't be going back to Hogwarts like the rest of her peers tomorrow. Instead, she was sitting at home with Tonks while Remus was out on a mission.

"So, how was the Order meeting last night?" Cassie questioned.

Tonks set down the book she was reading next to her on the couch. "Cassie, if you want to know so badly, why don't you just come to the meetings?"

Ever since Christmas Eve, Cassie was avoiding Grimmauld Place like the plague. Even more so than before, she wanted to avoid Sirius at all costs. She had to admit, he was making the slightest bit of progress with her, but she couldn't stand to be around him while he berates and accused her of being a Death Eater, even if it's technically true.

Cassie sighed, "You know why I don't want to go to the meetings."

"All you have to do though is show up, then leave right after. You don't have to stay long enough to deal with Sirius," Tonks attempted to convince her.

"I literally can't deal with him, Tonks. And who knows, if I keep showing up he might be tempted to say something to the whole Order! Then my cover would be blown," she grumbled.

"I guess I see your point," Tonks mumbled under her breath.

"Exactly. So, how was the meeting then?" she repeats her question.

"If you must know, it was fine. Nothing new really," said Tonks.

Cassie huffed in response before changing the subject, "Have you heard how Aunt Andy and Uncle Ted are doing lately?"

Ever since the start of summer, the two of them have remained in hiding. Both Tonks and Cassie missed them dearly, but it was for the best that they stayed put. The world simply wasn't safe anymore, especially for couples like them.

"Not much, unfortunately. All Dumbledore has said is that they're safe and doing well," Tonks replied sadly.

"I miss them," Cassie admitted.

"I do too," she agreed, "but we'll see them again, hopefully soon."

Tonks then returned to her book with a slight frown on her face. It was no secret that it was effecting the girls not being able to see their family. It's been months without so much as a letter, it wasn't easy.

Cassie was sitting there next to Tonks, staring off into space, simply thinking. She was deep in thought when the familiar burning began again on her left forearm. She hissed out in pain while clutching her arm, catching her cousin's attention.

"Cassie? Is it your mark?" Tonks asked worriedly.

"Yeah," she gasped, "I need to go to Malfoy Manor again."

"What do you think it's for?" Tonks questioned. It was evident she was nervous from the shakiness of her voice. She never enjoyed watching her cousin go out with the Death Eaters, even if it was for the greater good.

"I'm not sure... it could simply be a meeting," Cassie responded.

Tonks hummed in response, feeling a large lump in her throat. Something felt off, and she wasn't sure why.

"I'll see you later, it probably won't be long," Cassie stated as she opened the apartment door.

"Be safe," Tonks whispered as her cousin left, apparating away.

As Cassie landed in front of the dark Manor, she was surprised to find herself not alone. There were a few others who had just arrived as well, which pretty much confirmed her idea that this calling was for a meeting.

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